Chapter 709
Duan Xiuman spoke so righteously, the other Duan family disciples who had the idea of ​​​​escape all lowered their heads in shame.

Duan Hong is no longer afraid: "Master, how can we be so selfish, abandoning you in order to escape for our own lives? As disciples of the Duan family, we must advance and retreat together with Master."

"Yes, our Duan family has always taken it as our duty to eliminate demons and protect the Tao. How can we run away when we see resentment?"

"Yes, Master, there is nothing to be afraid of after a thousand years of resentment. How can it be that so many of us can't deal with a mere resentment?"


The more they talked, the more they felt that this thousand-year resentment was nothing to be afraid of.

It seems as if they can be destroyed instantly if they work together.

Hot-blooded to the point of stupidity.

Tang Yan's face was very cold: "But Master, I heard Master Miaoyuan say that the thousand-year resentment is very difficult to deal with. It seems that its origin is very unusual and cannot be dealt with by ordinary monks."

I would like to advise you one last time. I don’t care if you like it or not. I don’t care if you don’t.

Miao Yuan looked at these stupid female disciples and felt helpless: "Yes, that resentment comes from hundreds of monks and hundreds of alien races. It has continued to evolve over the past 2000 years and has become stronger and more difficult to deal with than when it was first sealed.

Sisters of the Duan family, you are no match for resentment. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices. It's better to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible. "

Miao Yuan made it so clear, but the women of the Duan family still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

Duan Xiuman frowned and looked unhappy.

Duan Hong rolled his eyes and looked at "Duan Zi": "Sister Duan Zi, what happened to you today? When did you become so greedy and selfish?

Our Duan family has a heavy responsibility on our shoulders. If you want us to escape, where can we escape to?
And if we escape, what will the ordinary people at the foot of the mountain do?What should the residents of Princess County do? "

Duan Hong simply wanted to gain performance in front of Duan Xiuman, and also took the opportunity to suppress "Duan Zi".

She had long disliked this senior sister. In the past, it was the master who pampered her, and they, the disciples, were willing to flatter her.

It was obvious now that Master was tired of her because of her attitude.

Finally, Duan Xiuman spoke: "As for how to deal with grievances, I respect everyone's choice, and I am grateful for those who are willing to stay and fight with me. For those who are greedy for life and fear of death, I am also willing to leave. Will not stop.

However, from now on, your names will no longer be in the Duan family, and you will not be able to work outside in the name of my Duan family.

Where to go, you choose for yourself. "

They say they are given a choice, but in fact there is no choice at all.

Duan Xiuman grasped the psychology of these Duan family disciples very accurately, and no one was willing to give up their Duan family identity.

After all, this status brings them great honor and money.

Duan Hong was the first to express her position proudly: "Master, this disciple is willing to follow Master to the death and advance and retreat together."

"So is the disciple."

"So is the disciple."

Except for "Duan Zi", all the female disciples expressed their intention to stay and deal with the resentment together with Duan Xiuman.

Tang Yan couldn't even sneer, so she stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave.

Duan Hong asked loudly and proudly: "Senior Sister Duan Zi, where are you going?"

"Afraid of death, run for your life."


Some people also asked secretly: "Senior Sister Duan Zi is so weird today, not like her usual personality."

"That can only mean that she is always pretending. In fact, she is a greedy person who is afraid of death."

"Sister Duan Hong, what you said makes sense."

(End of this chapter)

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