Chapter 741
Chen Li thought for a while and seemed to find nothing wrong.

Indeed, if this scumbag stays in the underworld for one more minute, there will be more danger here.

In the end, he agreed to Tang Yan's suggestion: "Okay, let's turn it into a one-day trip for two people instead of a three-day trip alone. Just wait, I'll report it to Lord Pluto."

Chen Li walked aside, spread his hands, and a strange-shaped bird with a red body flew out from his palm.

Then, he walked up to Tang Yan and the others again: "You ordinary people are walking around in the underworld, and you are easily corroded by the turbid air here. Let's go, first go to Po Meng and ask for two bowls of soup to drink."

"it is good."

Tang Yan and Jun Liyan clasped their fingers together, making Chen Li scratch his toes uncomfortably: "Hey, can't you restrain yourself? Showing affection has to be done in different occasions."

There is actually a man who likes this scumbag. His taste is worrying. No, his life should be worrying. Are you so unafraid of death?

Tang Yan held up Jun Liyan's hand and shook it: "No."

Jun Liyan's eyes have been on Tang Yan ever since he fell to this place.

He doesn't care where this is, who is here, or what might happen to him.

"Hmph." Chen Li blew his mustache and walked in front.

The three of them came to Naihe Bridge. Po Meng left an assistant to ladle soup for the undead crossing the bridge, while she floated two bowls of soup in front of Tang Yan and the others.

"Hi, Miss Meng, long time no see. Your white hair is still as beautiful as ever."

Little Mrs. Meng handed over the bowl with an expressionless expression: "You're such a weirdo, I'm as old as you are your ancestor, no matter how old or young you are."

"Drink quickly, get out of here after drinking, and don't disturb me from my work."

Tang Yan took the two bowls and gave one to Jun Liyan. After drinking the soup, the bowl immediately disappeared in their hands.Little Meng Po had a cold attitude, but Tang Yan was not angry and pulled Jun Liyan with a smile.

"Little Miss Meng, let me show you. This is my house. How does it look? Does it look good?"

It's like showing off your baby.

Little Meng Po directly poured a basin of cold water on it: "No matter how loving you are now, there will always be a day when fate ends. Over the thousands of years, I have seen countless lovers who are strangers to each other on this Naihe Bridge. ."

Tang Yan was very open-minded: "Ah, it's normal for fate to come together and separate. Some people don't care about anything because they know that fate will end. Some people know that fate will end, so they cherish the present more. I think I am The latter, so why live such a bitter and resentful life, why not take it easy?"

Jun Liyan squeezed Tang Yan's hand tightly and said secretly in his heart, our fate will never end, even if we change our fate against the will of heaven.

Little Meng Po's expression darkened: "Humph, you're just here to show off after talking so much."

"No, I'm here to see the beauty. I really like your white hair."

Po Meng's white hair is not ordinary white hair, but a very shiny white, with a slight golden light when viewed from different angles.

"Bah, you are glib. You take your time and play, I have to work." After saying this, Little Meng Po floated back to the Naihe Bridge.

This scumbag is also a talent for being able to make the usually indifferent Lady Meng feel emotional.

Chen Li said: "Little sister Tang, do you want to go to Dude City to take a look?"

"I heard that the underworld is boundless to cross the city of death. I have long wanted to see it, so I would like to ask Brother Chen to lead the way."


(End of this chapter)

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