Madam, she has a group of fairy bosses

Chapter 743 Looks delicious

Chapter 743 Looks delicious
"Okay, if you don't want to visit, you won't visit." Tang Yan tilted his head and asked Jun Liyan: "Am I that restless?"

Jun Liyan rubbed her head gently: "No, you are the best and most obedient."

Tang Yan: "!!!" Even I can't bear to listen to your ability to tell lies with open eyes.

The corner of Chen Li's mouth twitched: "Brother Jun, you are wearing tens of thousands of lover filters, so you can't see clearly? How about a few more sips of wine? How about adding some spores?"

The man in front of him actually made Li Chen quite confused.

Originally, he thought he was just an ordinary person, but judging from the previous battle, it seemed that he was not at all.

It was as if he had unlocked the seal overnight and gained great power.

Forget it, everything in this world has its own destiny, so if you can’t understand it, don’t think about it.

Jun Liyan looked at Tang Yan and his tone was more sincere than ever before: "In my eyes, you are really obedient."

Because no matter what this girl did, he felt filled with joy.

There was nothing to make him angry, so there was nothing bad about her at all.

"Ahem..." Chen Li interrupted them: "Stop spreading dog food."

Without even looking at where this place was, I really wanted to use a knife to coax these two people out of the underworld.

At this moment, a fat spirit floated in front of Tang Yan, sniffed it, and drooled.

"Miss, are you human? It smells so good. Can you let me take a bite?"

After speaking, he opened his mouth as big as a basin and rushed towards Tang Yan.

Tang Yan jumped up and stepped on the spirit body to the ground. The ground cracked and the fat spirit body's head sank directly into the ground.

The surrounding spirit beings said: "!!!" Oh my god, what a cruel human being.Because the spirits here are not evil spirits, the staff in the underworld are usually not too harsh towards them.

This was the first time they had seen such a violent scene, and they were so frightened that they hid aside.

Chen Li held his forehead and said: "Be gentle, sister, I have to bear the blame for this crack in the floor again. It's not easy for a junior civil servant. Can you be considerate to me, brother?"

Tang Yan raised his foot: "You can't blame me. It's a reflex. You should ask this little fat guy why he attacked me? Didn't you say there are no evil spirits here?"

"Indeed." Chen Li suddenly became serious, exuding an aura that made the spirit body tremble: "Little fat man, tell me, why do you attack people randomly?"

And in his presence, he dared to come out and attack people. This behavior was almost crazy.

The fat spirit pulled its head out of the ground, sat on the ground and started to cry: "Sir, I didn't mean it, I just couldn't help it, hey, hey, hey..."

"When I was alive, I was a foodie. After eating and drinking for 30 years, I finally died on the dining table. As soon as I smelled something fragrant, I couldn't help but want to eat it. The little sister was so fragrant, so I also Without thinking much, I took a bite..."

Tang Yan stepped on the little fat man again and stepped his head into the crack again: "The foodies in the human world said they were offended. No matter how delicious it is, you can't eat people, fat brother."

The little fat man danced and struggled: "Miss Xiangxiang, Fatty knows that he is wrong, can you let me go?"

Chen Li asked Tang Yan: "How do you want to solve this matter?"

Whether this matter is big or small, in short, it was his work error that caused Tang Yan to be attacked in the safe zone.

Therefore, he gave the initiative to Tang Yan.

If she wanted to punish the spirit, they couldn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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