Uncle Huang loves me to the bone

Chapter 241 Anyone who dares to touch me is tired of living!

Chapter 241 Anyone who dares to touch me is tired of living!

"I guess at this time, everyone thought I was targeting Bai Yichu," Yu Qinghuan laughed at herself, "and the targeting was inexplicable, but as soon as she appeared, I felt hostility in her. I clearly felt I know that she hates me and wants to kill me, so I am careful with her in everything, and I am a little wary of everything. But sometimes, I wonder if I have gone too far. How can I target this flower like this? woman."

Lu Yi nodded: "Princess, I know that this kind of person is the most difficult to guard against and the most difficult to deal with."

Yu Qinghuan patted Lu Yi's hand: "I'm very happy that you can say such thoughtful words to me. Lu Yi, you and Xiaoqian are my biggest supporters. With your concerted efforts to help me, I have lost a lot." Trouble. Don’t worry, I have a plan in my mind no matter what kind of person he is. As long as you help me be careful not to be plotted against, I will have my own way to deal with things on the surface. "

Lu Yi nodded again: "Don't worry, Princess, I will do my best."

Yu Qinghuan said nothing more and fell into deep thought. When Bai Yichu held her hand just now, she was deceived by Bai Yichu's soft and boneless touch for a moment. But as a doctor, she knew that Bai Yichu was exploring her. of pulse.

What is Bai Yichu doing?Yu Qinghuan couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't solve it. After Lu Yi made the bed, he fell back, caught up on his sleep for a while, and then stood up to flip through the medical book.

During this period, a mother sent a teaching schedule. Yu Qinghuan opened it and almost stared at it.

The schedule of this course is a bit crazy. It starts at Mao hour and ends at midnight every day. There are twelve hours a day, and there are nearly eight hours in class. The twelve masters are fighting, one after another, until they finish learning "Qin" in one day. Twelve knowledges: chess, calligraphy, painting, mathematics, embroidery, food, etiquette, morality, appearance, speech, and gong.

No wonder everyone who comes in is transformed. If things continue like this, over a period of time, everyone will lose the luster in their eyes and turn into a well-behaved and sensible wooden person like a puppet.

The road ahead was bleak, and Yu Qinghuan wished he could burn this female student to light the way forward.

It's true that she works hard, and it's true that she works a little harder than others, but that doesn't mean she agrees with this cramming method.

In her opinion, her grandfather is an excellent teacher. When he teaches things, he focuses on stimulating her interest, letting her take the initiative to learn, guiding her to master knowledge, and then gain a sense of accomplishment, which in turn inspires greater ambition. interest.

But looking at it today, it is not very likely that the dozen masters really want to teach skills. It is estimated that in their hearts, they have only one goal, and that is to create a puppet who cannot find mistakes in the world of ethics, so that their task will be completed.

"Put it away," Yu Qinghuan calmly handed the schedule to Lu Yi, "Follow the arrangement here and remind me what to do when."

After Lu Yi took over the watch, Yu Qinghuan continued to look through the only copy left by his grandfather, trying to find any record of the poison Changsun Tao had taken.

Autumn is deep, and the warm golden sun shines in through the window. The dust is glowing with golden light and swirling, and the years are quiet.

If the person wrapped in the golden sun had not stroked his beard while reading, the picture would have been beautiful.

Lu Yi thought so.

In the evening, Ah Liu sent a lot of food and supplements. Yu Qinghuan put down the book and went to the next door in person to call Zhenli over to eat together. She divided the food into two portions, and gave the other portion to Xiao Qian, Lu Yi, and Zhenli Jun. The two girls Yancui and Bisi brought by the Lord asked them to go aside and eat by themselves.

Princess Zhenli was like a child, taking the cake and eating it obediently. During this period, she also threw herself into Yu Qinghuan's arms and acted like a baby. Yu Qinghuan did not push her away and allowed her to be tired of herself.

It wasn't until after midnight that there was a sound from the door of the next room on the right. It happened that Yu Qinghuan sent Princess Zhenli to the next room on the left. When she raised her eyes, she saw a woman with a bookish air all over her body. She was the kind of woman who could be identified at a glance. A person who doesn't talk much and is not very sociable, but is very gentle when he talks.The two of them met each other, and Yu Qinghuan quickly looked away. However, this woman still left a deep impression on her. This was the first ordinary-looking person who impressed her so deeply.

Before midnight the next day, Yu Qinghuan was pulled out of the warm bed by Xiao Qian. He hurriedly washed himself, and after eating some porridge and rice, he realized that the beard on Yu Qinghuan's face was gone.

"Miss, your face..." Xiao Qian exclaimed, and Lu Yi, who was cleaning the bed, quickly picked up a handful of beards.

Yu Qinghuan put her finger on her pulse. Everything was normal. She then thought of the soups she ate yesterday. They seemed to include ginseng, deer antler, Ganoderma lucidum, snow lotus and other major supplements... After thinking about it carefully, she found that there was Ganoderma lucidum in her antidote prescription. Inside, maybe the dosage is insufficient, which is why the problem of beard growth occurs.

However, she recovered so quickly after taking the "Dabu Decoction" last night, and because she has a special constitution, not only immune to all poisons, but also resistant to common poisons.

However, Yu Qinghuan still felt very concerned. Her blood could even detoxify the curare wood poison, so why couldn't it prevent water poison and the poison given to her by Yu Qian?

Could it be that water poison and the poison Yu Qian gave her were not poisons?
So, are the two toxins in Changsun Tao's body the same as the water poison and the poison Yu Qian gave her?

Thinking about this, she decided to find a time to test it with Chang Sun Tao's blood to see if the result was what she thought.

No matter what, the beard on his face disappeared overnight, but it was a great blessing. He didn't have to worry about being made difficult by his masters because of this. The only bad thing was that he could no longer be poisonous friends with Chang Sun Tao.

After cleaning up, Yu Qinghuan went to school in high spirits.

On the other side, A Ling stood behind Chang Sun Tao and whispered: "Master, according to your instructions, I sent you the antidote decoction. I found that the poison in the princess's body has been removed, and her appearance has returned to normal."

Changsun Tao nodded and said: "The princess refused to reveal who poisoned her. Needless to say, I also know that other than that person, who else would be so cruel and ruthless."

Ah Ling said: "I just don't know what the purpose of this old fox is."

Changsun Tao said: "His purpose is very simple, that is, to kill the king, but he attacked the princess because of this, which is really an unforgivable crime. Ah Ling, Yu Jian has been released home, right? What is your decision now?" "

A Ling said: "Your Majesty said that he did not handle his errands properly in Pingcheng and asked him to stay at home and reflect on his mistakes. He has not been reduced from his position for the time being."

Changsun Tao said: "It is indeed inappropriate. If the princess had not spoken, I would not have let him go so easily. However, just because he can return home safely does not mean that the arrow on the princess's shoulder was in vain."

Ah Ling asked: "What are your orders, Master?"

Changsun Tao smiled lightly: "If Yu Qian dares to touch my people, then I will retaliate tooth for tooth, eye for eye. He has so many descendants of Yu Qian, so I can't do anything else for the time being, but I can still consider beating the drowned dog with a stick. Yu Jian is not good at being a human being, so there is no need to be an official. Please pass on my order to..."

(End of this chapter)

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