A man in gray robe came forward from behind the ghost messengers, "Why should the little princess be our enemy? The king has said that as long as the little princess is willing to surrender to the king's subordinates, she will still be the next Pluto. And, you The king will also give you back the full amount of your family members, and let them have no worries about food and clothing in every life, and be rich forever."

"Ghost King?" Mengbao looked at the gray-robed Ghost King in front of him and did not take him seriously.

"Get out of the way! Otherwise...die!" A cold and childish voice came out of the cute baby's mouth, and the Ghost King's face changed drastically.

"If the little princess doesn't agree, does that mean she doesn't want to care about the life and death of your relatives?"

The cute baby's face also became ugly. Before he could say anything, the figure of the black cat suddenly appeared in front of the gray-robed ghost king and scratched his face with a claw.

"I told you to threaten the cute baby and catch you to death!" The black cat lowered its paw, and a black mist-like wound suddenly appeared on the pale paper-white face of the gray-robed ghost king, and black yin energy continued to gush out.

The gray-robed ghost king quickly moved away and looked into the black cat's eyes, which were full of deathly black eyes.

"Noisy! Beat him to death!" Xiao Leilei jumped on top of the gray-robed ghost king and struck down with lightning.

The gray-robed ghost king is a ghost king after all. After being hit unexpectedly by the black cat, he naturally took precautions. He moved his body instantly and grabbed two ghosts to block him.

Suddenly, the souls of the two ghosts erupted into smoke and disappeared into ashes.

"Where is my family?" Mengbao shouted, pointing the tip of Xuantian's sword directly at the gray-robed ghost king.

The gray-robed ghost king was horrified, his eyes widened, and he retreated.

Dozens of ghost servants also stepped forward, flew into the air, and blocked the cute baby.

The cute baby's face was expressionless, and his pupils were so dark, as if he were being rolled out of an abyss, making it impossible to see to the end, "If you don't get out of the way, you'll die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Bao waved the Xuantian Sword in his hand, and a bolt of lightning-like spiritual power turned into a hundred-foot spiritual blade, slashing straight at the ghost in front of him.

The gray-robed ghost king was shocked and fled away, his figure suddenly disappearing.

With a bang, those ghosts who had not escaped, including the majestic and impressive Ghost Gate, collapsed and shattered, then turned into bursts of smoke.

"Are you that willing to die for him?" Meng Bao's childish voice was as cold as winter ice and snow.

Those ghosts who had not yet been affected were silent, but did not retreat at all, "We swear to follow the king to the death, and we are willing to die for the king!"

The cute baby's eyes were obscured by the black mist, "Since you have never done anything bad, I can let you go. Get out of the way!"

"This is our duty, little princess, please forgive us for not giving in!" Those ghosts didn't take a step back, but took a few steps forward.

"Do you know that this princess also has the power of life and death over all souls, are you really willing to die?

Pluto is the god of the underworld, who cares about the world and protects all souls.

The King of Ghosts also holds an important position in Hades, and he is not allowed to use your lives as a shield for his own selfish purposes.

And your king and his subordinates don’t care about your life or death at all.

So, are you still willing to die for them? "

The ghost messengers paused for a moment, "A scholar will die for his confidant! The King understands our suffering, and we are willing to die for him."

"Yes, ordinary people are born with hardship and will suffer in the next life. We are willing to follow him, even if our souls are gone. After all, this world is really beyond our expectations."

"What joy is there in life, and why is there fear in death? The King has granted us our wishes. For people like us, we cannot get justice before death, and our only wish is to kill our enemies after death. The King has given us hope, and of course we are willing follow."

"I don't care about life, be it human or ghost. It is my wish to die for the king."

The cute baby frowned slightly, "Do you wish?"

"Yes, what we wish for. As long as we feel it is worth paying for our lives, then it is worth it."

"Is it worth it as long as you think it's worth it..." Mengbao felt as if something was touched in his heart, as if something had sprouted.

"Cute baby, are you going to kill me?" Little Leilei swung his tail eagerly, and the lightning on the tip of his tail crackled. Master? Should I kill?

The cute baby's thoughts wavered slightly.

No, I have to kill him. If you don't kill them, they will besiege Hades, and they will kill the people of Hades.

There was a hint of coldness in Mengbao's eyes, "Since they want to die..."

Those ghosts couldn't help but tremble.

Of course they are afraid of death, they have already died once.

How can a ghost who has died once not know the pain of death?

But in front of me is the little princess of the underworld.

There are rules in the underworld. As a leader, you are not allowed to kill innocent souls at will. Ghosts from all walks of life are not allowed to devour each other. As a little princess in the underworld, you will naturally abide by it.

However, they also know that the little princess of the underworld is the next king of the underworld and has the power of life and death over her soul, so they can only gamble.

"Kill!" Before Meng Bao's immature words could finish, Black Cat and Little Leilei had already gotten into the crowd of ghosts.

The cute baby listened to the screams one after another, with a look of indifferent stubbornness on his little face.

If she doesn't kill them, they will besiege the people of Hades, and those who will be left alive are the people of Hades.

Watching those ghosts dissipate into waves of mist, the reluctance and guilt in Mengbao's heart were slowly healed.

The gray-robed ghost king just now no longer knew where he was fleeing.

The cute baby looked at the Huangquan Road in front of him, which was no different from Hades, and took out a small ball.

Under the Huangquan Road is the Huangquan water. Mengbao can see that it is brought from the underworld.

The underworld water is underground in the underworld, so the underworld is known as the underworld. It causes yin and coldness, and can allow ghosts who have passed through the underworld to reproduce the illusion of their previous lives in their consciousness.

Those whose consciousness is not firm, or who do many evil things, often get lost here due to illusions, plunge into hell, and their souls are destroyed.

The cute baby led the three little ones across the Huangquan Road and threw the ball back.

The ball bursts.

Suddenly, a huge riot blew up the Huangquan water. The Huangquan road collapsed, inch by inch, and fell into the Huangquan water, leaving only waves of mist.

The cute baby looked at this scene with cold eyes and said to the three little ones in a plain accent: "Let's go."

Sure enough, as soon as he turned around, another wave of mist rolled up in front of his eyes, and a large group of ghosts suddenly appeared in front of him.

The leader was the gray-robed ghost king just now.

"The little princess is really domineering! She has killed so many innocent ghosts and is not afraid of being haunted by nightmares and falling into the devil's path."

The cute baby's face changed drastically, and the guilt and embarrassment that had appeared once again appeared on her little face.

Yes, she felt guilty.

After all, those ghosts didn't make any mistakes. The biggest mistake was to avoid being arrested by the ghosts of Hades and enter the fake Hades without authorization.

But sin does not lead to death!

The gray-robed ghost king is determined to eat. The cute baby is still young, and his heart is turbulent, so it is exciting.

"Bah! Stop talking nonsense! You piece of rubbish! Black Cat and I killed those ghosts. What does it have to do with the cute baby?" Little Leilei immediately stopped. (End of chapter)

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