Chapter 4: Pills really exist
Tang Nanchen jumped up happily, "Sister called me, sister called me."

After saying that, he turned around and piled a bunch of toys on the bed, "Sister, these are all given to you by Brother Six."

"This is a gift from my fourth brother."

"Second brother also has one."

In an instant the whole bed was filled with gifts.

There are toys, clothes, shoes, jewelry...

"Dad." The cute baby's eyes were dazzled, and he raised his head cautiously, feeling a little at a loss.

Tang Tianyun finally squeezed in and gently picked up the cute baby. "You can take whatever the cute baby likes. If you don't like it, we will throw it away and let the brothers buy it."

The cute baby looked at the gifts with big eyes and bright eyes. "Cute baby likes them all. The cute baby has never played with toys, but the cute baby has seen this. A little sister touched the cute baby when he was begging. This one is smaller than the baby." My sister’s pretty.”

Everyone looked at the teddy bear among the toys, and their hearts sank.

Although they all knew about Meng Bao's previous life situation, it was even more difficult for them to accept it from her mouth.

"What does the cute baby like to eat? Third brother will buy it for you." Tang Nanyi asked with a gentle smile.

The cute baby tilted his little head and thought for a while, then squinted his eyes and smiled: "As long as the food is not rotten, the cute baby likes to eat it."

There was another silence among everyone.

Tang Nanxiu was furious, clenched his fists tightly, and veins popped out on his forehead, "Damn you, I'm going to kill you..."

"Fourth." Tang Tianyun shouted softly.

Tang Nanxiu suppressed the anger in his heart, his eyes were sore, "Fourth brother will buy the most delicious things in the world for the cute baby from now on."

"Thank you, fourth brother!" Mengbao didn't notice the atmosphere in the room and responded with a smile.

She was lying in her father's warm arms and had so many brothers. She felt so happy!

"Ahem...Cute baby, the fifth brother bought you a picture book. In the evening, the fifth brother will tell you the stories in the book. How about sleeping with the cute baby?" Old Five Tang Nanzhe held a stack of picture books with colorful covers, and he was immediately attracted by it. caught the cute baby's sight.

"Okay. Thank you, fifth brother."

Lao Wu is treacherous!

Several brothers cursed secretly.

"Cute baby, look what big brother brought you?" Tang Nanyu took out a stuffed toy from behind.

As soon as the cute baby saw it, he excitedly leaned towards Tang Nanyu, stretched out his little arms and hugged him: "Dabai, it's Dabai."

Tang Nanyu easily held the cute baby in his arms and handed Dabai to her.

After Tang Nanyu learned about Dabai's existence, he ordered people to hurry up and make this stuffed toy just like Dabai.

This plush toy is made of real goose feathers all over its body. Apart from its weight, the size and color are no different from Dabai. It looks just like the real thing.

The cute baby hugged the toy Dabai's neck and grinned happily.

All the brothers could not help but grind their teeth.

In terms of treachery, the boss is even more so!

Tang Nanyi calmly pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and gently stretched out his hands to the cute baby: "Cute baby, be good, third brother will take you to check your health. When you are cured, can we go home together?"

Come back home?

The cute baby's big eyes lit up and he nodded obediently: "Okay."

Tang Nanyu slapped Tang Nanyi's hand away, his cold and distant eyes full of coercion, "As a doctor, you only need to be responsible for the examination. It's enough for the family to have me."

The gentle and elegant smile on Tang Nanyi's face showed a crack.

"You guys, take dad and have a good rest. The third child and I will go check up on the cute baby."

Brothers: I dare not refute.

Tang Tianyun: ...treason!

After some examinations, Tang Nanyi confirmed that his diagnosis was correct.

Not only does the cute baby have no symptoms of malnutrition, there are no scars on the skin all over the body. The lump in the skull has disappeared and the ankle fracture has recovered, except for the six needles that are still there.

Tang Nanyu's usually solemn and stern face also showed a trace of shock, "Lao San, is there any medicine in the world that can make a cute baby recover from his injuries in one go?"

Tang Nanyi was still in a daze and said, "Yes, the elixir."

The cute baby sat on the bed holding the plush Dabai, blinking his big watery eyes and asking: "Big brother, third brother, cute baby is well, can you go home?"

Tang Nanyu put the cute baby into the new clothes that Tang Nanxing brought, "Does your cute baby still feel pain?"

The cute baby replied crisply: "It doesn't hurt anymore. Zhuzhu gave the cute baby medicine, and the cute baby will be fine."



The two brothers looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

The cute baby nodded his head, "Yeah. It's the medicine that flew out of the beads. It's round and fragrant, but a little bitter."

Thinking of the bitter taste of the elixir, Mengbao's little face couldn't help but wrinkle up.

"Can Mengbao tell big brother who Zhuzhu is?"

"Pearls are just pearls, they are round and sparkle with colorful lights, and they are beautiful."

Tang Nanyu and the others couldn't help but be stunned, extremely shocked.

"Then will medicine fly out of the beads?" Tang Nanyu couldn't help but ask.

The cute baby nodded, then closed his eyes, and his thoughts sank in, "Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu, the cute baby also wants a medicine."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Nether Pearl in Meng Bao's body began to rotate again.Then, a pill lay quietly in the palm of Meng Bao's hand.

"Hey, this is the medicine." The cute baby stretched out his little hand and handed it over.

As a doctor, Tang Nanyi can never refuse the attraction of medicine.

This is not a pill made from a powdered drug.He couldn't tell what the material of the medicine was. It seemed like it was made of condensed liquid or squeezed out of gas. The soft touch was very consistent with the elixir mentioned in ancient books.

Is it possible that elixirs really exist in the medical world?
He picked up the elixir and smelled it. He couldn't identify many of the medicinal ingredients, but he could smell a few precious medicinal ingredients.

Tang Nanyi's expression was very complicated. Although he wanted to take the elixir over for study, he still returned it to the cute baby, "Cute baby, put it away and don't let others know."

The cute baby took the pill and nodded.

The elixir suddenly disappeared into the palm of Meng Bao's hand.

Tang Nanyu was also shocked, and touched the cute baby's head, "Zhuzhu is cute baby's treasure, and it is also cute baby's secret. From now on, cute baby can't tell others, otherwise bad guys will snatch cute baby away."

The cute baby thought about the days when he was abused by Zhu Danian and Pan Guixiang, shuddered hard, and then shook his head, "Cute baby won't tell anyone."

"Yes, cute babies are awesome!"

Brother praised her!The cute baby nodded happily, "Yeah."

The cute baby was in good health, so Tang Nanyi decided to operate early the next morning. After all, the needle was too close to the heart, and every day it took longer would be more dangerous.

However, for the sake of safety, he decided to ask his assistant to come over and not let the doctors from this hospital participate in the operation. After all, they all knew the cute baby's previous physical condition.

The cute baby was sent back to the ward.

Tang Nanchen stood in front of the bed and danced and told stories, making the cute baby giggle.

Even when he smiles, the cute baby is not as noisy and restless as other children. He always sits on the bed with his little feet crossed in a restrained manner, so well-behaved that it is heartbreaking.

Outside the door, Tang Nanyu loosened the tie around his neck gracefully, his eyes as sharp as a knife, "Are you all ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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