Chapter 42 has a new task
As soon as Mengbao and the others left the kitchen where they slept, they met the host with a smile on his face.

Behind him there were many people carrying a lot of ingredients out.

The cute baby's eyes widened, "Uncle host, the cute baby still needs to cook."

The host smiled and said: "Cute babies, because you didn't have a task yesterday, you have ingredients to cook. You have a task today. Only after you complete the task can you get the ingredients to cook."

The cute baby's mouth narrowed, "Xuanxuan, are we going to work hungry today?"

Xuanxuan also held her belly and felt aggrieved, "Then what if we can't complete the task?"

The supporter said: "If you can't complete the task, you won't have food to eat."

Water mist immediately welled up in the cute baby's big eyes, and then he stood up his little chest firmly, "It's okay, the cute baby was often hungry in the past, and bad parents often didn't give the cute baby food, cute baby." Don’t be afraid.”

"Cute baby, don't be afraid, there is still brother Dongdong."

"Brother Qiuqiu will also help you."

"And Sister Tangbao, let's do the task together and we will definitely not let the cute baby go hungry."

"Well, I'm not afraid either. I also want to help the cute baby." Xuanxuan raised her little fist.

"Okay, then let's do the mission together so we don't get hungry." The cute baby smiled through tears.

[Oh my god, what do I hear?I heard the cute baby say that she used to be hungry because her bad parents often didn’t give her food. 】

[Really or not, Tang Nanxing obviously dotes on her very much. 】

[Yes, the total number of clothes and shoes on the cute baby must be hundreds of thousands. How could you not feed her? 】

"Sorry, we won't be filming this variety show." At some point, Tang Nanxing had already stood behind him.

Tang Nanxing picked up the cute baby, with a gloomy face, "Cute baby, let's go home."

Then, Tang Nanxing said to the camera: "Director Yang, I will ask my assistant to send the liquidated damages. We will not participate in this program. I brought my cute baby here to let her relax and play in contact with the outside world, not to starve her. of."

[Fuck, Tang Nanxing is too famous, right?It's just a variety show, and it doesn't really make them hungry. Why is the reaction so big? 】

[That’s right, why should I be considered a big name? Isn’t it just a movie star with more fans?As for it, why did you come on the show in the first place? 】

[I have to guess if there is something hidden in his family. Maybe he has been abusing the cute baby and is afraid that the cute baby will tell the truth. 】

[That is, those rich people do a lot of dirty things. 】

"Nan Xing, what's wrong with you?" Wu Yalin, Yan Fei and Yuen Long quickly pulled Tang Nanxing aside and asked.

"It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

The three of them looked carefully and found that the corners of Tang Nanxing's eyes were still a little red.

At this time, Director Yang posted a barrage in the live broadcast room.

[Dear viewers, I'm sorry, because the cute baby was abducted and sold to a vicious family when he was a child. He was abused by his adoptive parents for nearly three years. It was common for him not to eat.Being hungry is indeed a very painful memory for a cute baby.

Please don’t get too angry. It’s true that the program team didn’t give this matter much thought.However, I believe in the little cute baby, she can do it. 】

[Oh my God, three years, the cute baby should not be four years old now. In other words, Tang Nanxing's family just found the cute baby not long ago. 】

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 】

[Oh my god, I feel so sad.Not to mention Tang Nanxing, I was so angry that I wanted to find those two people and torture them to death. 】The host is also very guilty, it is his fault.

His expression just now could have been more tactful, and he could have refrained from poking at the cute baby's pain.

"Second brother, what's wrong with you? Brother, Aunt Yan, Uncle Yuan, Uncle Wu, it's time for us to go on a mission!" Mengbao scratched his little head in confusion.

"Cute baby, are you still willing to do the task?" Seeing a turn of events, the host asked quickly.

"Of course we have to do it. We can't do things half-heartedly. Second brother, why do you suddenly want to go home? Are you homesick?" The cute baby's purring voice echoed in the live broadcast room.

"Second brother, be good. You will go home after we finish recording the show. There is a cute baby with you, so don't be afraid." The cute baby stroked Tang Nanxing's head with his little hands, just like stroking a puppy.

"Oh, I understand. Are you afraid of being hungry? It doesn't matter. You won't be hungry after the cute baby completes the task."

The audience in the live broadcast room: ...

They seem to be overthinking.

"Cute baby, aren't you afraid of going hungry?" the host asked.

The cute baby nodded his little head and said with a crooked smile: "I'm afraid, but the host uncle said, if you can complete the task, you will be rewarded.

The cute baby also knows that uncles and aunts must complete their tasks, otherwise they will not get their wages. Without wages, they will have no money to buy food.

The host uncle said yesterday that the cute baby has no mission, and the food must be given to the cute baby by the host uncle.But the cute baby can't always eat from the host uncle, because the salary the host uncle gets for completing tasks can't always be given to the cute baby.

Starting from today, cute babies will also have to complete tasks and earn wages.After the cute baby earns his salary, he has to buy gifts for his grandparents, father and brothers, as well as his uncle and aunt, Dongdong, Brother Qiuqiu, Tangbao and Sister Xuanxuan.

The cute baby is super awesome! "

['s so heartwarming, I suddenly feel like I can do it again.I have to work hard too! 】

[Oh my God, this cute baby must have been sent by God to save me.She is so small and knows how to complete tasks and earn wages. Why should I lie down? 】

[Brothers, get to work, come on! 】

[I seem to see light from the cute baby. The light shines directly into the depths of my heart. It is really a feeling I have never felt before. 】

Host: ...Wow, wow, it turns out that I am so good to the cute baby.

"I also want to earn a salary, together with my cute baby."

"I also want to buy a gift for the cute baby."

"Me too, me too, cute baby, let's do the mission together."

"Okay, okay, I also want to earn a salary."

Several children jumped with joy.

Tang Nanxing & three other guests: ...It seems that this time the variety show income points are given to the children.

"Uncle host, what is our mission today?" the cute baby asked with starry eyes.

The host said: "The village we live in now is close to the corridor. Several families in the village have opened breakfast shops on the national highway. Your task is to help the boss to get today's breakfast."

(End of this chapter)

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