Chapter 9 The little princess is born again
"Go to school, do you know how much it costs to go to school? You have to let your dad beat you, and our family can still make money. If your dad is dead, who will earn the money for us to spend, don't you want to eat and drink?" The woman was impatient. The ground was broken and thought.

After the cute baby, Tang Tianyun really couldn't bear to see his children being abused.

He gave the woman a cold look.

"I will arrange the expenses for you from kindergarten to university, but you will also need treatment. There is no need to refund the treatment fee."

"There is no need for treatment. I will be better tomorrow and I will definitely be better." Xiao Yujun's childish tone was extremely strong. He believed in the cute baby.

Mengbao pulled Tang Tianyun's clothes and whispered: "Dad, little brother will definitely be fine."

Tang Tianyun seemed to understand something, nodded, and said to the woman: "Okay. Tomorrow morning I will ask the hospital to refund the remaining treatment fee to you as your living expenses during this period. As for Xiao Yujun, I will ask the lawyer to give it to him Take care of everything.

Don't try to misappropriate his schooling and living expenses, you can't get it.

Also, if you dare to beat, scold or abuse Xiao Yujun again, even if you touch a finger or a hair on his face, I will ask the lawyer to send you to prison. "

The doctor was puzzled, "Mr. Tang, but this child's body..."

"Don't worry, my youngest is here." Tang Tianyun picked up the cute baby and walked out the door.

The doctor heaved a sigh of relief: Yes, there is also Divine Doctor Tang.The little boy was a blessing in disguise.

"Goodbye, little brother!" The cute baby poked his head out of Tang Tianyun's shoulder and waved to Xiao Yujun with a smile.

Xiao Yujun smiled.

His little face revealed a brilliance it had never seen before, rivaling the morning sun.

Jingshi, Tang family.

He will definitely go...

The cute baby did something good and was in a great mood.

"Dad, aren't my little brother's parents kissing each other? Can daddy help my little brother find his biological parents?" The cute baby was still sitting obediently on the bed, blinking with expectant big eyes.

Tang Tianyun's eyes darkened.

"Cute baby, there is a lot of ugliness in this world. Because of the existence of evil, many things are not what we expect."

The cute baby doesn't quite understand, but she knows that the little brother's parents are biological children.

The cute baby lowered his head sadly, "But, the little brother is their biological child, why do they still beat him?"

Tang Tianyun touched the cute baby's head lovingly, "Cute baby, good and evil in this world are not completely related to closeness and distance. Goodness is like the village chief, grandparents, and the others treat you; evil is like the way the little brother's biological parents treat you. He. There are many unsatisfactory things in the world. Mengbao must remember that we only need to maintain our good intentions!"

After hearing this, the cute baby frowned slightly and fell into thinking.

Her small face was serious, and her eyes were covered in pure black, as if a black hole vortex was stirring.

For some reason, Tang Tianyun seemed to see light in her eyes for a moment, and it was an ink-colored shining light.

But, how come the ink color flashes?
No one saw that the shining Nether Pearl inside the cute baby was spinning and rising, and a trace of mist spread around the bright light and dispersed into the cute baby's body.

Tang Nanyi stood around the cute baby and felt a heart-stopping power seeming to emanate from the cute baby's body.

I can't tell what it feels like, it feels like a coldness and oppression.


Tang Nanyi was stopped by Tang Tianyun just as he was about to speak.

The two of them just looked at the cute baby intently.

The cute baby was sitting on the bed, with his two little hands on both sides of his legs, quietly, as if he was in trance.

I don't know how long it took.

The cute baby raised his little head and raised his eyelids, "Hey, dad, third brother, why don't you talk?" His big bright eyes blinked. In addition to being well-behaved before, the cute baby seemed to have a new look. Something different.

Yes, it’s smart!
She was cute and cute at first, but she seemed dull and soulless.

Now, there is more brilliance in her eyes, and she has the innocence that a child should have.

Tang Tianyun knew that his daughter was special, even so special that ordinary people were afraid of her.

But no matter what, his daughter is a treasure given to him by God, and is his life and everything to him.


The lonely and proud man in black clothes stood in front of the Netherworld tree, his tall figure seemed to blend into the darkness under the tree's shadow.

A netherworld mirror hanging in the center of a netherworld tree trunk.

In the dark mirror, around the cute baby's small body, two figures suddenly lit up in the mist, with different colors.

"King, the little princess is alive." King Yama of the Fourth Palace next to him was also happy.

Ming Xiao opened his thin lips slightly, and his voice was cool and cool, "Yes. I was born with an earth soul, and there are two souls. One soul and two souls. Sure enough, the human world is a place of experience."

"King, in fact, there are many people with special skills in our underworld. If we teach the little princess together, she may not be able to achieve such achievements. The world... is too miserable!" King Yama of the Fourth Palace finally couldn't bear it.

Ming Xiao sighed quietly, his voice clear and distant, "Happiness, anger, sadness, fear, love, evil, and desire. These are the seven emotions, and they are also the source of life. They cannot be taught, they can only be cast in the human world. This time , it was also because of her sudden realization of joy and sorrow that she gave birth to two souls."

"This is her disaster and her responsibility! Time is running out..."

The cute baby had the most beautiful sleep.

Tang Nanyi went back to the capital directly, while Tang Tianyun went to Weishui Village with the cute baby in his arms.

There was still a row of luxury cars, filled with gifts from Tang Tianyun to the villagers.

In the entire village, except for the cute baby's adoptive parents, every family is kind to the cute baby.

It can also be said that the cute baby grew up eating hundreds of meals.

"Grandpa the village chief, grandma the village chief." The cute baby shouted and ran in as soon as he arrived at the door of the village chief's house.

"Hey, the cute baby is back." The village chief's wife happily greeted him.

In the past few days when the cute baby was sick, she and the village chief only cooked and delivered nutritious meals. They never took the initiative to see the cute baby for fear of affecting her.

Looking at it this way, the cute baby is recovering well.

The village chief felt relieved after seeing that the cute baby was well, and welcomed Tang Tianyun into the house.

After the two parties greeted each other, the village chief took out a small package and handed it to Tang Tianyun, "Mr. Tang, this is from a little girl named Su Su, saying it is for the cute baby."

"Su Su?" Tang Tianyun was quite shocked, he knew this name.

It was because of this girl named Su Su that he found the whereabouts of the cute baby.

He accidentally came across a post on the Internet, which was a photo of a cute baby begging on the street, and a frontal photo of Zhu Danian and his wife.

The title of this dynamic is: It is suspected that the couple who forced their children to beg are not the biological parents of the children. We hope that the majority of netizens will take over and help find the biological parents of the children.

The person who posted this news is named Su Su.

At first, he thought it was his daughter after just one glance, and quickly called for an investigation.

This post disappeared quickly.

Based on this photo, he finally found the town where the cute baby was begging, and then the village.

(End of this chapter)

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