Shi Erruo glanced at Jiang Zhengfeng with drooped eyelids, "Drive your car, stop talking nonsense!"

"Damn it!" Jiang Zhengfeng took out a cigarette from the cigarette pack with one hand, put it into his mouth, lit it with a lighter, and took a deep breath before he could barely calm down the anger in his heart.

"I'm telling you, get off the car as soon as you get to the city, don't be a fucking nuisance here!"

Shi Erruo said, "Okay, I can take a taxi to Qiming Square anyway, you don't need to take me!"

"Damn it!" Jiang Zhengfeng cursed again and took a deep puff of cigarette, "Do you know that we haven't determined the true identity of the kidnapper yet. You are Zhu Honglian's roommate. If he discovers you, it will be easy to alert him! You are obstructing official business and risking your roommate's life!"

In order to ease Jiang Zhengfeng's worries, Shi Erruo comforted him calmly, "Don't worry, I won't show up in the square. I'll be watching from the building opposite to make sure the kidnappers can't see me."

At this moment, she suddenly saw a car passing by through the window and overtaking the police car.

Qiu Zhuo and Tai Shiyi were sitting in the front row of that car.

Shi Erruo immediately regretted it. She had forgotten that Tai Shiyi drove here by himself. Why would she have taken a police car if she had known?

She patted her thigh in annoyance, "Damn it! How could I forget about him!"

Jiang Zhengfeng also saw the car in front of him, "What's going on? Those two are your classmates, right? Where are they going?"

Although Shi Erruo knew that these two people also went to Qiming Square, she subconsciously hid it for them.

"You don't care where they go, just drive your car!"

"Damn it!" Jiang Zhengfeng put the cigarette butt in his hand and threw it out the window. "You little bastard, if you talk to me like that again, believe it or not, I will throw you out right now!"

"whispering sound--!"

Shi Erruo crossed her legs and leaned on the back of the car seat, no longer spending energy dealing with Jiang Zhengfeng. She had not slept much last night, so she had to take a nap.

Jiang Zhengfeng was bored singing the oboe by himself, so he started to smoke cigarettes in depression and puffed away in the car.

371 has been squatting quietly by the side, listening to the tit-for-tat confrontation between Shi Erruo and Jiang Zhengfeng, saying that he has no interest in it, and it is more interesting to play with the white smoke floating out of the cigarette butt.

Anyway, the bald policeman couldn't see him. Sometimes it was good to be a ghost, as he didn't need to have too many entanglements with people.

I don’t know how long it took, but the car slowly stopped.

Shi Erruo looked out the window and found that she had arrived near Qiming Square. It seemed that Jiang Zhengfeng had not abandoned her halfway.

Jiang Zhengfeng parked the car in the underground garage, took out the car key, and said to Shi Erruo: "If I see you in the square, you are finished, do you hear me!"

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Shi Erruo ignored Jiang Zhengfeng's words and got out of the car. She caught a glimpse of Tai Shiyi's car in her peripheral vision.

There is no one in the car anymore, and I don’t know where the two people are now.

After getting out of the car, Shi Erruo started talking to 371.

"Later, you will hide near the chair where the money bag is placed. If that guy is really taken away, he will probably be able to see you. Then your main task is to determine which ghost he is that escaped from the underworld. Try to find more information on the alliance's task list. If he can't see you, it means he is still a human being, then follow him and find his lair."

371 jumped up to Shi Erruo and asked, "If he can see me, how can I find his lair?"

Shi Erruo raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't worry, I still have a backup plan."

"What's the backup plan?" 371 asked curiously.

Shi Erruo summoned Phantom Sable from his bracelet and held it in his hand. "Here, that's it. If you can't follow the kidnapper, let him follow him. This guy is very sensitive to the smell of ghosts. You can find him even if you are far away."

371’s eyes widened when he saw the phantom mink, “How did you tame it? This is a mutated beast ghost, a rare existence that cannot be encountered!”

Shi Erruo raised his eyebrows and said, "You're lucky."

"Then your luck is incredible!" 371 couldn't help but sigh.

Shi Erruo waved his hand, "Okay, let's quickly find a suitable ambush site and make sure nothing goes wrong!"

At this moment, Shi Erruo stopped, and she suddenly felt like there was someone behind her.

His hand was pulled violently, and Shi Erruo subconsciously wanted to fight back, but he met a familiar eye.


Qiu Zhuo covered Shi Erruo's mouth and pressed her against the shadow of the wall at the corner.

Shi Erruo looked at Qiu Zhuo with suspicious eyes, but nodded, indicating that he could not speak.

Qiu Zhuo then let go of Shi Erruo. He squatted down with Shi Erruo and pointed to the southwest of the garage.

Looking in the direction of Qiu Zhuoshou, Shi Erruo immediately saw a man wrapped up in his body, walking around looking around. His body shape looked very similar to the kidnapper described by the police in the video.

Shi Erruo looked at Qiu Zhuo with searching eyes. Qiu Zhuo nodded and mouthed, "Let's go!"

Shi Erruo nodded, and Qiu Zhuo hunched through the traffic in the underground garage.

They all understood that if the kidnapper was someone familiar with Zhu Honglian, then he would most likely have seen them, so he must not be allowed to see them near the square.

When Shi Erruo followed Qiu Zhuo, as long as they crossed another intersection, they could go to the stairs of the mall and completely get rid of the suspected kidnapper.

Just when she was about to rush out, Qiu Zhuo suddenly turned around, picked up her waist, and took her to hide behind a car.

It was only a matter of seconds before the man might see them.

Shi Erruo's heart was beating fast. Hearing the man's footsteps getting farther and farther, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Only then did Qiu Zhuo regain his composure and found that his hand was still holding Shi Erruo, so he immediately pulled it back.

Shi Erruo naturally didn't care. She glanced at it with her peripheral vision. After confirming that it was safe, she grabbed Qiu Zhuo's shoulder, asked him to look at her, and mouthed, "Quickly go!"

The two people rushed to the stairs as fast as possible, climbed up to the first floor, and entered the mall directly.

Shi Erruo looked back from time to time to make sure no one saw them, and then said to Qiu Zhuo, "We must find a place where we can see the wooden chairs in the square. I can let the Phantom Marten follow the kidnappers to find the whereabouts of Zhu Honglian."

Qiu Zhuo grabbed Shi Erruo's hand and ran quickly, "Follow me, Tai Shiyi has found a place. It's in the back row of a cafe. It's a blind spot. We can see the outside, but the people outside It’s hard to notice us.”

When Shi Erruo arrived at the place, he found that it was indeed an excellent location as Qiu Zhuo said.

There were only ten minutes left before ten o'clock. Shi Erruo tried his best to explain his plan to Qiu Zhuo and Tai Shi Yi at a volume that only three people could hear clearly, and informed them about 371 the underworld system. .

Tai Shi Yi had some doubts. He asked Shi Erruo, "If that person is really taken away by a ghost, can the phantom mink you mentioned really track him? The last link is the key to all plans, and there must be no mistakes!"

Shi Erruo nodded affirmatively, "Don't worry. Whether it's in terms of movement speed or olfactory acuity, Phantom Mink is our worst choice."

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