"Luo Ruzhou?"

Shi Erruo muttered the name silently, "Teacher, can you find his file and let us take a look?"

"Okay, I remember where it is, I should be able to find it soon."

The psychology teacher quickly took out a file from a stack of files and handed it to Shi Erruo.

Open the file and mark the name column at the top: Luo Ruzhou.

Next to it is an ID photo with a blue background. It can be seen that Luo Ruzhou is a handsome young man, wearing black-rimmed glasses, but there are deep black circles under his eyes. His eyes are in a trance, and he looks not in good spirits.

The height column below is marked: 185cm.

"Look!" Shi Erruo pointed to the height column and said to Qiu Zhuo, "This height is very close to what the police predicted."

Qiu Zhuo was searching for suspected persons in a pile of files. He looked up at Luo Ruzhou's file page and said with a deep gaze, "It looks very similar to the person we saw in the underground garage of the shopping mall."

Shi Erruo nodded and took a photo of the information on the file with his mobile phone. "Let's continue checking the pile of files and wait for Tai Shi Yi's call."

The two men continued to investigate until the phone rang, but no more suspicious people were found.

Tai Shiyi's voice came urgently on the other end of the phone, "Come out quickly, we've made a major discovery! I couldn't explain clearly on the phone at the moment. I'm driving to school and waiting for you at the school gate."

Shi Erruo winked at Qiu Zhuo, "Let's go!"

After saying goodbye to the psychology teacher, they hurried to the school gate.

There was a lot of traffic on the road. Tai Shiyi lowered his car window and waved to them, "Come up!"

"What are you discovering in such a hurry?" Shi Erruo asked Tai Shiyi impatiently as he opened the car door.

"Hei Wuchang, you say."

Tai Shiyi glanced at Hei Wuchang floating in the car and continued driving.

371 slowly floated next to Shi Erruo and explained, "We found the place where the Zhuhong Lian was hidden, and found that the kidnapper was hiding in a place called Fenghua Village in the suburbs. His name was Luo Ruzhou. Everything was going well, but I didn’t expect things to turn around.”

"What transformation?"

Shi Erruo's guess was indeed correct, Luo Ruzhou was the kidnapper!
"371 continued: "Your guess is only half right. There was indeed a ghost who wanted to kidnap the kidnapper, but he failed. He stayed nearby and waited for an opportunity. When Phantom Marten and I were following the kidnapper, we were attacked by the ghost. When he noticed it, he ran away immediately. "


Phantom Marten jumped into Shi Erruo's arms from the front row, echoing 371's words.

When Shi Erruo hugged Phantom Mink, she noticed something was wrong. She asked 371, "What's going on? Why is it shaking so hard?"

"Alas! Don't mention it!" 371 sighed, "We have encountered a problem. Do you know what the ghost is that wants to kidnap someone?"


"Xunhai Yaksha!" 371 said with a frightened face, "If I hadn't run fast, I would have been eaten alive!"

Tai Shiyi, who was driving, listened to their conversation and couldn't help but ask, "That ghost, what's the problem?" "Of course, it's a big problem!" 371 covered his chest and said in fear, "Xunhai Yaksha They are very high-level ghosts in the underworld. They are powerful and irritable by nature. They have green faces and fangs. They are extremely terrifying. They are the type of ghosts we cannot afford to offend!"

At this time, Shi Erruo asked a question, "But what's even weirder about this matter is, why would such a high-level ghost covet a human body? Moreover, he hasn't succeeded in seizing the body yet. That is the patrolling Yaksha." !”

"Yes!" 371 slapped his head, "Why can't the patrolling Yaksha seize a mortal man? This is too embarrassing for us ghosts!"

"Cough cough..."

Shi Erruo coughed twice and glanced at 371, "This matter is indeed strange, but if the patrolling Yaksha did not succeed in seizing the body, the change in the kidnapper's temperament in the surveillance video cannot be explained. Could it be that the Yaksha did not completely seize the body? The kidnapper, but coexisted with his body? Sometimes we see Yaksha, and sometimes we see the kidnapper himself? "

Qiu Zhuo thought of a more urgent question at this time, "But if we go directly to the hiding place now, with the strength of the three of us plus Hei Wuchang, can we deal with the patrolling Yaksha?"

Hei Wuchang shook his head vigorously, "It's very dangerous. I don't think we need to take this risk. Since the patrolling Yasha has not completely kidnapped the body, the matter in the underworld should be solved in the way of the underworld. Just tell the police where Zhu Honglian was hidden." Got it!"

Tai Shiyi's driving speed gradually slowed down, "What should we do now? How should we explain to the police that we found the location where Zhu Honglian was hidden and let them rescue people?"

"It's better than..."

If you want to speak then you stop.

"Why not?" 371 asked.

Shi Erruo said: "I remember when we first arrived at Zhu Honglian's house, her father received a call from her, so we told the police that Zhu Honglian called me and told me her location, but soon I quickly hung up again and asked them to call the police as soon as possible.”

"But..." Qiu Zhuo said worriedly, "When the police interrogate Zhu Honglian later, they will soon discover that Zhu Honglian did not make that phone call. How should they explain it?"

Shi Erruo spread his hands and said, "Then just don't explain it! Just say that because Hong Lian was kidnapped, he became mentally disturbed and his memory was confused, so he forgot about it. As for how to guess, leave it to the police. , sometimes human imagination is actually very rich, and in order to deal with superiors, they can always find tactful words."

Tai Shi Yi did not fully agree with Shi Erruo's method, "Aren't you just smashing the jar and smashing it?".

"Then throw it down." Shi Erruo didn't care. She felt that there was no need to waste time on humans. She could just fool them. If they couldn't be fooled, just let them get confused. It would not cause any practical consequences to herself. Impact.

She asked, "Do you have any other good ideas?"

There was a brief silence in the car.

Qiu Zhuo broke the deadlock, "Although Shi Erruo's method is not perfect, it is the most efficient. The most important thing now is to rescue Zhu Honglian as soon as possible. Her safety is the most important. If the kidnapper releases Zhu Hong after getting 500 million, Lian, that’s okay, let the police arrest the kidnapper themselves, and if the kidnapper doesn’t let him go, we can use Shi Erruo’s method, how about that?”

Tai Shi Yi nodded, "That's all we can do for the time being."

Shi Erruo raised his eyebrows, "Then what are you waiting for? I'll call Jiang Zhengfeng directly."

"Ah? Do you still have Captain Jiang's phone number?" Tai Shiyi slowly stepped on the brakes and parked the car on the side of the road. "Then do we still want to go to that village?"

Shi Erruo said: "Let's go and have a look, just in case. If the patrolling Yaksha interferes in the affairs of the underworld, their arrest may not be successful."

371 conducted a science popularization to a group of humans in the car who were not very familiar with the rules of the underworld, "Ghosts who directly interfere in the affairs of the underworld without seizing the body will be punished by heaven. Patrolling Yaksha should not take such a big risk."

In fact, he didn't know that Shi Erruo fully understood what he was talking about and knew more inside information than him.

Although many high-level ghosts are afraid of divine punishment, Patrolling Yaksha has a natural bug attribute. He can dive into the deep sea and use the power of the ocean to offset part of the damage caused by divine punishment. Therefore, to be precise, he is not afraid of intervening in the affairs of the underworld, unless caused a particularly large impact.

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