Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 1 1 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 1 1. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

Historical records: Qiankun Continent, the four kingdoms are in a tripartite state, the Jin Kingdom in the south, the Cang Kingdom in the north, the Qing Kingdom in the east, and the Wei Kingdom in the west.The four countries, which originally had occasional conflicts and frictions, finally merged peacefully.During this period of history, there was a person whose existence made countless people yearn for her. Even history books called her: No. 1 in ancient and modern times.

The royal palace of Jin Dynasty is magnificent with its carved beams and painted columns.However, the palace today was solemn but not peaceful, and even the air was filled with tension.Why?Today was originally the day when the Jin Emperor's beloved wife, the Jin Queen, gave birth.Emperor Jin was waiting anxiously outside the delivery room, with a solemn expression on his handsome face and pacing back and forth anxiously.The Queen's cries of pain were continuous, and her originally soft and crisp voice was slightly hoarse. Even when she was giving birth, she still seemed to have only her husband, Emperor Jin, in her heart. She called out the name of Emperor Jin over and over again. Emperor Jin listened. Hearing the sound of his name, he couldn't help but become more anxious. At the same time, the love for his wife in his heart also increased and became stronger.He was heartbroken and ignored the instructions of his ancestors. He opened the door and entered, tenderly holding Empress Jin's hand. Empress Jin's hair was messy but still beautiful.She was happy in her heart, but she said

Queen Jin: "Husband, this is against the rules. Yoona can't let you bear criticism for me."
Emperor Jin: "Yun'er, you are suffering because of me. How can I wait outside with peace of mind?"
Queen Jin was stunned, and crystal tears flowed down Qiongzi's beautiful face.

Queen Jin: "Husband, it is my greatest blessing to be able to enter the palace and marry you as your wife."
She knew in her heart that the time had come, and with all her strength, the baby fell to the ground, and there was a loud cry. The midwife was overjoyed, but she also understood that she must not relax at this time, there was another baby.So he encouraged:

Po Wen: "My dear, push harder, there's another one, it's almost over"
After Jin adjusted her breathing, she held Emperor Jin's hand tightly, and another baby girl fell to the ground.Po Wen quickly congratulated her

Po Wen: "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the empress, for giving birth to two little princesses safely."
The Queen of Jin smiled sweetly and showed affection towards the Emperor of Jin.

Queen Jin: "Thanks to my husband's company here, I was able to have the strength to give birth to these two children safely."
Jin Huang was deeply moved. Yoona has always been so stupid. She is the only one who has never changed her original intention and regards herself as everything to her.Looking at the look on Emperor Jin's face, Queen Jin knew that the matter was done. From then on, her position in Emperor Jin's heart was naturally unbreakable.While the two were having a sweet time, Po Wen also cleaned the two princesses with a wink. When she washed the little princess who cried softly, she screamed in surprise.

Po Wen: "This, little princess..."
Emperor Jin was unhappy and worried about his daughter
Emperor Jin: "Why is there such a noise? What happened to the little princess?"
Wenpo knew something was wrong, so she quickly knelt down and kowtowed to apologize.
Po Wen said: "Your Majesty, there is a footprint on the little princess's chest. It has turned blue. I am afraid that she is going to be the imperial doctor."
The Queen of Jin was in a trance when she heard this. She hurriedly took her daughter and examined her carefully. She saw that there was indeed a footprint on her chest. She guessed that the eldest daughter had accidentally kicked the younger daughter during the birth. She couldn't help sighing and feeling guilty.She planned in every possible way and refused to use all her strength, just to gain a little more weight in the heart of Emperor Jin, but she did not expect that she would hurt her little daughter.

Emperor Jin was also worried. He looked at his daughter in his wife's arms. Unexpectedly, she suddenly smiled at the two of them, as if to comfort them. Her smile was so innocent and pure that it melted people's hearts.Naturally, I love this daughter who was born frail even more.Busily announcing the arrival of the imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor hurried over and examined the little princess carefully. He felt a little in his heart and sighed repeatedly. It was such a pity that such a noble little princess was born with a heart disease because of his own sister.

Imperial Physician: "Your Majesty, the little princess was even more frail when she was in her mother's womb. Now she has been kicked again. She is afraid that she will suffer from heart disease. She needs to take good care of herself in the future. She should not exercise strenuously, and her mood should not be ups and downs. Remember to take your medicine regularly."
It was not until this moment that the Queen of Jin shed sincere tears. Such a young child was born with deficiencies, so what would he do in the future?I feel guilty, and I also have my share of responsibilities.

Emperor Jin stepped forward and hugged Queen Jin, looked at the daughter in his arms, and promised
Jin Huang: "Yun'er, don't worry, our daughter will be fine."
At this time, no one noticed that there was a princess in the delivery room. Everyone's attention was on her sister.After all, even her mother had a grudge against her deep down, but she just suppressed it.

(End of this chapter)

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