Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 100 52 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 100 52. True and false daughter
Gu Jun: "No."
Gu Jun listened to her compromising words with a smile in his eyes.If you care about me, given time, care can turn into love through your own efforts.

Gu Jun: "Others will laugh at me if they know I'm drunk, but I don't want that."
It's really funny that Gong Furuo cares so much about his image even when he's drunk.

There was an uncontrollable smile in his voice, and he comforted her like a child. After a lot of reassurances, Gu Jun was finally willing to tell her the address.

Gu Jun: "I won't tell anyone, no one will laugh at you."
Gu Jun: "Well, you can't lie to me or let others know."
Gu Jun: "I'm at Leng Zun Bar."
Gong Furuo had heard of this place. It was a new bar that had become famous recently. It had excellent security and unusually luxurious facilities. It was a new place for people in the circle to have fun.I heard that the boss has a great background.

Gong Furuo: "Then I'll come over now. You should be good and don't drink anymore."
Gu Jun: "Okay."
Gu Jun's eyes, which had achieved his goal, gradually filled with trembling excitement, coloring them even deeper.

He knew very well what kind of person Ruoruo was, and his overly honest and trustworthy temperament became a weakness for him to exploit and attack.

Sure enough, Gong Furuo put on a black skirt, took the car keys, and went out quietly.

Cold bar.

The bar that used to be lively and noisy is now filled with only a few people sitting in twos and threes, sipping spirits leisurely.

Gong Furuo didn't think much about it, just thinking that it was neither early nor late, and it hadn't reached the bar's peak business period yet.

However, such a quiet bar made her secretly sigh with relief. She was a truly good baby, and she had never set foot in such a place that was a little out of place for her.

She glanced casually and saw Gu Jun next to the bar. It was nothing more than that he was too dazzling.The clothes he wears are a serious and low-key black suit, but he is as tall as a supermodel and has long legs, a natural clothesline, and a handsome face. No matter where he sits, he is the center of attention.Gong Furuo: "Brother Gu Jun."
She specially wore a pair of flat and comfortable calfskin shoes. She walked very lightly. With the sound of the tendon soles hitting the ground, she walked step by step in front of Gu Jun and walked towards him step by step. trap.

Gu Jun seemed to be really drunk, his eyes were blurred, his cheeks were a little red, and he smelled of alcohol.

Seeing that it was Gong Furuo coming, he stretched out his long arms and took her into his arms. His furry head unconsciously rubbed against her neck, causing it to feel a little tingly.

She tried hard to push his head away, but she couldn't resist his strength. She was a little annoyed and called him in a low voice.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Gu Jun, let me go quickly."
Gong Furuo: "I'm going to be angry."
As soon as he said these words, he felt as if he had been greatly wronged, and hot tears fell on her neck drop by drop.

Gong Furuo was startled and held up his face to look at him. Sure enough, his eyes were red from crying and his face was full of tears.

Gong Furuo: "What's going on?"
He put his arms around her waist and lay in her arms. His 1.8-meter-1.7 tall body lay in her arms, which was less than [-] meters tall. He felt a little happy for some reason. Although it was very inappropriate, she still laughed.

Gu Jun: "Can you also like me?"
Gu Jun: "It's obvious that we met first, and it's obvious that I have liked you for ten years."
Hearing her laugh, Gu Jun felt even more aggrieved. He covered the dark light in his eyes and approached her heart step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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