Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 105 57 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 105 57 True and False Daughter of Gold
Lu Wei: "I saw Ruoruo before going to bed last night."
Gong Yao was also a little anxious. Facing this once good brother and now his niece-in-law, his face turned a little pale.

Gong Yao: "This shouldn't be the case. Ruoruo is the most obedient."
Gong Yao: "Why is this child in so many troubles? I wonder where he is now?"
Gong Furuo, who was worried about them, was indeed in poor condition.She woke up leisurely in the morning, slowly opened her eyes, and saw an unfamiliar roof and an unfamiliar chandelier. When she lowered her gaze, she was almost startled.

There were three people lying beside the bed, and they all happened to be familiar to her.

Gu Jun didn't sleep peacefully, and his clothes were still straight.Lai Yuan still frowned habitually in his sleep, looking extremely sharp and not easy to mess with.

Su Jin sat at the end of the bed alone and fell into a deep sleep.

Gong Furuo, who was greatly frightened early in the morning, was confused for a while and couldn't figure out what was going on.

But after a while, she came back to her senses. The memory of yesterday slowly came back, and her face gradually became ugly.

She remembered that she went to the bar yesterday to pick up brother Gu Jun—no, to pick up Gu Jun.

Then after drinking a glass of wine, my vision went dark, and when I opened my eyes, I was here.

Her expression became more and more ugly. No matter how innocent she was, she could still understand the current situation.

Seeing that they were still sleeping, he quietly lifted the quilt and put on his slippers very quietly. While moving, he carefully looked at their condition. Seeing that they didn't react at all, he felt relieved. Unfortunately, he was happy too early. , just took two steps, he grabbed his wrist.

Maybe he was afraid of hurting her delicate skin, so he didn't use a lot of force, but it was tight enough that he couldn't break free at all.

Gong Furuo looked angry and had gloomy eyes. He glanced back. Unexpectedly, the person who woke up was not Gu Jun, who had slept uneasily, but Lai Yuan. He still smiled uninhibitedly, pulled out a smile and raised a question. eyebrow.

Silently making a mouth shape, smiling wildly.Lai Yuan: "Want to run?"
Gong Furuo had a sad expression and her eyes were red. Brother Gu Jun, who she had always trusted, just took her away in a daze. Even senior Lai Yuan and A Jin were involved in this matter.

The more she thought about it, the sadder she became, tears streaming down her cheeks.She looked at him sadly and sincerely, begging helplessly.

Seeing her pitiful appearance with tears flowing quietly, Lai Yuan's heart twitched slightly and he was shaken for a moment, but the image of her cute and lovely figure in Zhang Huazhou's arms flashed through his mind, and he still withstood it.

Gong Furuo looked at him and his eyes relaxed for a moment. Before he could be happy, he felt the strength in his hand again.

Gong Furuo: "Let go of me."
Her voice was low, with some tears in it.

Afraid of waking up Gu Jun and Su Jin, even the confident struggling movements were very cramped and minimal.

Gong Furuo: "Let go of me."
Gu Jun: "Don't let go."
Gu Jun: "If I let you go today, you will go back to my uncle's arms. You will completely ignore me in the future and be my aunt happily, right?"
Their movement was really not that big, but Gu Jun slept unsteadily, struggling between wakefulness and deep sleep, and was finally awakened by the words "let me go".

Gu Jun's movements were loud, and his voice was full of stormy anger. Lai Yuan took back the hand holding his wrist and rubbed it with nostalgia.

Even Su Jin, who was sleeping at the end of the bed, was woken up by this movement.

Gu Jun hugged Ruoruo's shoulders tightly, suppressing all her resistance, and Ruoruo shed tears.

Stupid author: "Thank you Baozi for the reward!"
Stupid author: "Additional update is coming!"
(End of this chapter)

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