Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 110 62 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 110 62. True and false daughter
When she woke up from the huge empty bedroom, she immediately went to the living room to look for Gong Yao. She happened to hear their conversation, so she quietly hid in the corner.

He heard every word clearly, and learned that the disappearance of his daughter was related to those jealous boys. Although he was still worried, he was no longer so afraid.

She patted her chest and quietly returned to the bedroom under Gong Yao's see-through gaze.

On the other side, Zhang Huazhou and Gong Yao had already made a plan.

Gong Yao: "Hey, Ajin, did Ruoruo contact you last night?"
Gong Yao: "She was not found in the bedroom this morning."
Gong Yao's voice was worried and hoarse, and he looked extremely anxious. Fortunately, he saw that it was Uncle Gong's call and quietly ran outside to answer it.

At this moment, when the matter came to a close, Su Jin was extremely calm and firm, obeying her heart and replied to him in a clear tone.

Su Jin: "No."
Su Jin: "Ruoruo didn't contact me."
Su Jin: "Uncle Gong, do you have any clues now? How is Ruoruo?"
Speaking of this, his voice was particularly anxious and worried, even with a low cry. Gong Yao frowned slightly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Gong Yao: "Okay, Ajin, if you have any news about Ruoruo, you must contact me."
Su Jin: "Wait a minute, uncle, I want to pay a visit. Can you tell me the process of the matter in detail?"
This should be the normal reaction of Su Jin, whom Uncle Gong knew. Su Jin held the phone with her slender fingers, thinking rationally and calmly.

The same conversation also happened to Gu Jun and Lai Yuan. The three of them were all cautious and smart people. They were all clear-minded about how they should react so as not to arouse excessive suspicion.

So at this time, several people were looking at each other.

Su Jin: "We are all gone, what should Ruoruo do?"
The plan has just begun, but we can't let it run away because of an accident.

Gu Jun thought for a moment and came up with the answer. This matter is not difficult to solve.

He made a call to his trusted subordinate, who received the order to pack everything and hurried back.

Gu Jun: "While we are away, keep an eye on her for us. She must not run away. Do you understand?"
Toolman: "Yes, boss!"
The subordinate smiled bitterly, his expression helpless.

He was also involved in the last kidnapping. He was originally a little puzzled that his trusted boss would do such a crazy thing, until he saw the girl between the boss's arms who made the world eclipse. All questions were answered immediately.After the subordinates promised that they would take good care of the young lady, they disguised themselves and went back to their home and then to the Gong family manor.

Gong Furuo was sitting quietly in the living room just now.They deliberately talked outside the door, but she secretly overheard them clearly.

After everyone was gone, she looked at her subordinate, whose face was red and his eyes were shy and evasive, and a trace of joy flashed in her eyes.

Gong Furuo: "I didn't do it voluntarily. Can you let me go? My father is Gong Yao of the Gong family. He will definitely repay you."
Gong Furuo's eyes were crystal clear, full of hope, and his face was so beautiful that it could confuse all living beings, including the subordinate in front of him.

His face turned red and red, like a ripe tomato. When he glanced at the familiar vase on the table next to him, he calmed down completely, like a basin of cold water poured into his heart.

Stupid author: "Thank you Baozi members for the rewards. There was no update yesterday, so I will make a small update today. Mmmah!"






Stupid author: "Thank you guys for the flowers! (To make up for yesterday's post)"
(End of this chapter)

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