Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 116 68 True and Fake Gold

Chapter 116 68. True and false daughter
Gong Furuo had a general guess in his mind, so he simply put it aside, ignored it, and took a comfortable bath. The essential oil was also chosen by Gu Jun, with a sweet and fragrant peach scent.

When Gong Furuo wrapped herself in a bath towel and walked out, her hair was wet and still dripping with water, her face was flushed, and her porcelain white cheeks were tinged with a hint of red, really like a sweet and juicy peach, so hydrated. Tender and raw.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

The sound of knocking on the door was carried to her ears by the wind. She smiled at the corner of her mouth and deliberately ignored it. She took a soft and absorbent towel and gently wiped her hair.

The person outside the door didn't seem to be a gentleman. After waiting patiently for a few minutes, he lowered his head and looked at the picture on the mobile phone page. There was a doting smile in his eyes, and he stared at her tenderly, tilting his head and wiping her hair. The corners of his mouth curled up.

I knocked on the door a few more times with a hint of compromise.

Gong Furuo stopped what he was doing, understanding that it was too late, he grabbed the half-wet towel in his hand, walked over and opened the door.

The pink and peach-like face was exposed in front of Gu Jun's eyes. The fragrance of peach came from her body. Gu Jun's nose twitched slightly and his eyes were gentle.

Gu Jun: "Let me help you dry your hair."
Gong Furuo shook his head gently and rejected him in a cold tone.

Gong Furuo: "No need, I can do it myself."
Gu Jun, however, was resolute and forcefully picked up the hair dryer on one side, pushed her down on the chair, and pressed the button. Amidst the sound of the hair dryer, his big, bony hands gently inserted into the hair and combed it with his fingers. , brushing her hair carefully and gently.

Wisps of delicate fragrance drifted into the tip of his nose.

Gong Furuo couldn't resist him, so she didn't care anymore. His movements were gentle and gentle, and his fingers brushed gently. The warm wind made her drowsy. In such a quiet atmosphere, she felt a little drowsy. After a while her eyes closed slightly.

Half asleep and half awake, there was a knock on the wooden door again.

When Lai Yuan was bored downstairs, he turned on his mobile phone and switched to the page of Gong Furuo's room.

With just such a casual look, he almost crushed the cup in his hand.

Gu Jun held a broken hair dryer and blew it on Gong Furuo's long black and silky hair. Ruoruo sat obediently on the chair in front of him, her eyes half-closed. The atmosphere was harmonious and warm. Gu Jun was full of affection. The eyes create an ambiguous atmosphere

Lai Yuan excitedly pulled the chair aside, spread his long legs in long strides, and walked up to the second floor in two steps.

He knocked on the door roughly, waking up the sleepy Ruoruo, and also woke up Gu Jun who was immersed in this beautiful atmosphere.

Gu Jun narrowed his eyes, and there was some danger in his narrow eyes, like a wild beast that was angered by an enemy that broke into his territory.

When Lai Yuan received no response, he was not discouraged and knocked on the wooden door quickly and frequently.

After seeing Gu Jun's livid face from the phone, he raised his lips with satisfaction and nodded.

Gong Furuo's hair was completely dry and he no longer needed to blow dry it, and his sleepiness was shaken away by the knock on the door.

She took the hair dryer from Gu Jun's hand, put it away and put it back in its place. Her almond-shaped eyes were moist and crystal clear.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, my hair is dry."
Gong Furuo: "I'm going to sleep."
This is the eviction order.

Gu Jun listened to the continuous knocking on the door and sighed helplessly, knowing that there was no chance to cultivate feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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