Chapter 123
Gong Furuo: "Okay, I understand."
Gong Furuo: "Liu Ying!"
Liu Ying had never felt that his name sounded so beautiful. The girl's voice was soft and soft, and she called his name in a clear tone, as if she was holding it in her mouth.

There was a slight smile on Liu Ying's lips. Although it was not easy to detect, it was definitely there.

Liu Ying: "Yeah."
Gong Furuo: "Liu Ying!"
When Gong Furuo saw his response, his attitude was rare and gentle, and he suddenly felt a little confused. It was not easy to see someone so close to the mortal world.

Unavoidably, she got playful and stepped on his shadow under the streetlight, her skirt flying, and she called him sweetly.

Gong Furuo: "Liu Ying!"
Gong Furuo: "Liu Ying!"
Gong Furuo: "Liu Ying!"
Liu Ying really couldn't understand how he could feel happy when she simply called his name.

He looked at her cute and naughty look and couldn't help laughing. When Gong Furuo heard the low laughter, he turned around and looked at him with a surprised expression.

He has always looked unattainable, but now he smiles like this, just like the ice and snow melting, and the spring spirit returns.

Liu Ying was a little nervous when he saw her looking at him without blinking. Is there something wrong with him?

Liu Ying: "What's wrong?"
Liu Ying: "Keep staring at me?"
Only then did Gong Furuo come back to his senses, and he couldn't help laughing.

Gong Furuo: "You look so beautiful when you smile. I haven't seen it before?"
The baby fat on her cheeks has faded away compared to when we first met.Now her face is smaller, in the shape of a dignified goose egg, but every feature is delicate and delicate.Especially when he smiled, there were two small pear dimples floating on his cheeks, which really made Liu Ying smile into his heart.

He was a little absent-minded. It was rare for him to lose his composure. Before his brain could react, his mouth opened according to the truth in his heart.

Liu Ying: "If you like it, I will smile for you every day."
This sentence almost blurted out. As soon as the words came out, Liu Ying felt a little annoyed. What does this mean? It's so ambiguous, like a slut.Gong Furuo really didn't expect to hear such a response. Her clear eyes suddenly raised, and they happened to meet Liu Ying's dark pupils.

The breeze blew, Gong Furuo's long hair was fluttering, and the quiet fragrance spread to Liu Ying's nose, and he took a deep breath calmly.

Liu Ying: "That's not what I meant."
Gong Furuo looked relieved, the red glow on his face slowly faded, and the strong feeling of discomfort on his body also disappeared.

Tease him naturally again.

Gong Furuo: "Liu Ying, do you secretly watch idol dramas without telling everyone?"
Gong Furuo: "This sentence sounds so familiar. It can be found in almost all idol dramas."
Liu Ying was secretly happy that her simplicity and ease of deception had made this matter a success, but on the other hand, he was also secretly saddened by her lack of understanding.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, my home is here."
Liu Ying was still immersed in his own melancholy when he heard her cheerful tone.

He raised his head and looked around, and what he saw was a narrow and dark alley. The place where they were standing was okay. As he walked further, even the street lights were half broken, and there was a faint and faint glow. Light.

With this barely bright light, Liu Ying could clearly observe the dilapidation and desolation of this place.

He secretly clenched his hands, his heart and eyes full of distress. He really couldn't imagine how such a girl who had grown up pampered and well-dressed could live in such a place.

Stupid author: "Thank you guys for the flowers!"
(End of this chapter)

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