Chapter 128
Hearing Liu Shehe's angry voice, Secretary Zhao turned around, organized his words, and quickly replied to him.

Secretary Zhao: "It seems that a girl was hit."
Liu Sheyu had no expression on his face. He raised his watch and looked at it. There was not much time left before he was used to arriving at the company. He didn't like his habits and plans to be disrupted by unexpected things, so he just looked at it dimly.

Liu Sheyu: "Go and see what's going on? You can pay any compensation you want, as long as it's resolved as soon as possible."
Secretary Zhao received the message he gave and nodded and opened the door.

She looked like a very young girl, wearing a bright yellow dress, with black hair like a cloud, and a slender figure. She was holding a white Chihuahua puppy tightly in her arms. Her cute pink umbrella had its ribs broken. Fell on the roadside.She seemed to have not come back to her senses, her head was always lowered, and her expression could not be seen clearly.

Secretary Zhao: "Little girl, are you okay?"
Seeing such a pitiful little girl, the voice of Secretary Zhao, who had always been resolute and resolute, was unusually concerned.

Gong Furuo raised his head when he heard his voice, and a charming and extremely beautiful face was revealed in front of Secretary Zhao.

Secretary Zhao followed Liu She and her side. What kind of beauty had he not seen before? However, after seeing her appearance clearly, he was shocked by such beauty and was speechless for a moment.

Her umbrella was also broken. It was raining so hard at the moment that her clothes were almost wet, and her hair was stuck to her face in a mess. Even so, it did not damage her beauty. It just added a touch of fragile weakness. It's heartbreaking.

Notice how she tightly protected the puppy in her arms. Secretary Zhao stepped forward with an umbrella to block the raindrops from the sky for her.

Secretary Zhao: "Are you injured anywhere?"
A dull black umbrella covered the raindrops hitting her body. Gong Furuo smiled gratefully and slowly stood up holding his Chihuahua.

Gong Furuo: "It's okay, don't worry."
That's what she said, but the redness on her knees was too conspicuous. Her skin was white and tender, and the wounds on her knees were even more shocking.

Secretary Zhao: "This car accident is our responsibility. Do you think this is okay? I will write you a check."
Secretary Zhao saw her innocent and clear eyes looking at him gratefully. Thinking that this was a silly girl who said she was fine even when she was injured, he almost couldn't wait to propose the best compensation plan for her.

Gong Furuo: "It's really no need. I'm also responsible. I was walking too fast and didn't notice."
Gong Furuo: "Besides, my injury is not serious, just a small scratch. Thank you."
Secretary Zhao was really helpless and sighed.

Secretary Zhao: "If you insist on not accepting our compensation, my boss will be unhappy."
Gong Fuluo's eyes widened in surprise. Following his line of sight, he glanced back casually. He recognized the car, and his expression suddenly became more excited.Father Gong was a car lover during his lifetime and was very familiar with all kinds of cars. She remembered that the advantage of the car in front of her was that it was fast and stable.

So he blushed slightly, hugged the cute puppy with blue eyes tightly in his arms, and gently rubbed his white and smooth fur with his hands.

Gong Furuo: "I know this may be a bit presumptuous, but I don't want money. Can you exchange the compensation for taking me and my Snow Tuan'er to the pet hospital?"
Secretary Zhao pondered with some embarrassment. This kind of compensation happened to be the kind of compensation that the boss was least willing to accept, and it completely went against his original intention.

(End of this chapter)

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