Chapter 135
Secretary Zhao encountered some obstacles in his work. He thought he could quickly find out the girl's information by following the clues from the pet store, but who knew that the Chihuahua named Xuetuan was in a very bad condition just because of diarrhea? Okay, the pet doctor took a quick look at her and prescribed some medicine before letting her go.

This means that the girl did not leave any information about herself at the pet hospital.

This is good. If you want to find her, it's like finding a needle in a haystack. But after all, she is the chief secretary of Liu's company. Although it is very difficult, if you give him a few more days, it won't be a problem. Get her information. It will only come out sooner or later.

Secretary Zhao: "Boss."
Although this is the truth, Secretary Zhao still felt a little trepidated when reporting this to Liu Sheyu.

Roommate Liu clasped his hands on the desk with an unpredictable expression. Hearing this, he just glanced at Secretary Zhao.

Secretary Zhao: "Yes, I understand."
Then he waved his hand and let him go out.

When Secretary Zhao walked out quickly and closed the door gently, Liu Sheyucai rubbed the bridge of her nose in frustration and pursed her lips in displeasure.


Gong Furuo had a full class today, so she did not go home after class at noon. Instead, she planned to stay at school to eat and take a lunch break in the dormitory.

Liu Ying knew her living habits and schedule very well, and his silent attention and greedy gaze for a whole year were not just for fun.

Their last class in the morning is the most troublesome high-level math class. The old professor from University B likes to add some super-difficult knowledge during class breaks, and will randomly pick one or two questions as the finale during the final exam. The torture was excruciating.

It's true that Gong Furuo is smart and smart, but the subject she struggles with the most is advanced mathematics, so when she walks out of the classroom at lunchtime, her head is still groggy.

Seeing her dazed and wandering look, Liu Ying had a smile in his eyes.

Liu Ying: "Gong Furuo!"
Gong Furuo turned his head and bumped into his smiling eyes.

Gong Furuo: "What's wrong?"
She stopped in place and looked at him obediently. Liu Ying's smile deepened when he saw this, and he gradually approached her in three steps.

At this time, most of the people in the classroom had not gone far, and their vague and inquiring eyes were secretly directed at them, with some tacit understanding.

Liu Ying and Gong Furuo are the most famous figures in this class of University B. They have a superior family background, outstanding appearance and excellent academic performance.

Even though the new class of students has entered the school and there have been countless handsome men and beautiful women, their names are still at the top of the school beauties list, and no one can shake them.

These two people, whom everyone agreed should stay at the altar and could only see from afar but not blaspheme, quietly came together under circumstances that no one expected.

These two people are really good. It’s not like they didn’t have the idea of ​​“trying to turn bicycles into motorcycles”, but they both ended up failing.

As time goes by, no one dares to care about them anymore.

Therefore, there are no negative looks of jealousy or resentment, but their gossipy and curious looks are quite unpleasant.

Liu Ying glanced at them calmly and lightly. The young men and women all dispersed, and the originally lively classroom became extremely empty.

(End of this chapter)

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