Chapter 142
"Jingle bell~"

The cell phone rang, interrupting the words that were on his lips.

Toolman: "Master, the clothes have been brought."
Liu Ying clenched his cell phone in frustration.

Liu Ying: "Just put it in my office."
The person who came was the person who delivered nutritious meals to him on a daily basis. He also knew where he was in the school's office, so he didn't ask any more questions, responded neatly and hung up the phone.

Gong Furuo could vaguely guess what happened from his words and expressions.

After such an interruption, the ambiguous atmosphere just now was gone, and it could no longer return to that just-right atmosphere. Liu Ying sighed regretfully, and Gong Furuo looked at him with a smile.

Gong Furuo: "Go quickly, it's really uncomfortable wearing these clothes."
She had the habit of taking naps. Now she was bathing in the warm sun and couldn't help covering her face and letting out a delicate yawn. The direction of the office in the teaching building was exactly opposite to the direction of the dormitory where she was going.

When Liu Ying saw this, his smile deepened and he said softly.

Liu Ying: "You should go back to the dormitory and take a nap first. See you in class in the afternoon."
Gong Furuo opened his eyes with watery eyes and nodded obediently.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, I understand."
Gong Furuo: "See you in the afternoon."
She probably didn't know it herself. When she was extremely sleepy, she would look dazed and staring, and her voice would unconsciously lengthen when she spoke. She was so soft and well-behaved that Liu Ying was almost so sweet to her.

The tip of his hand itched, and it took a lot of self-control to control himself and not move it harshly on her head.

Gong Furuo slowly walked away, and Liu Ying looked back, catching a glimpse of the stains on his clothes, with a look of impatience and disgust in his eyes.

During class in the afternoon, he was once again the handsome, handsome young master of the Liu family.Of course, such a good show was uploaded to the forum, and it was forwarded over [-] times in just one afternoon.

Seeing Liu Ying changing into different clothes from the morning and walking in, the three or two friends in the class secretly looked at each other.It can be seen that everything said in the forum is true. There is really something about that daring elementary school girl.

Gong Furuo took a nap and was very energetic in the afternoon. She chose a position with a good view and immersed herself in reviewing the knowledge of the previous class. Liu Ying could only see her fair and slender neck and the cute little curls in her black hair.

Liu Ying: "Can I sit here?"
Liu Ying's voice was special. It was clear and clear as a young man, but also deep and mellow in a mature way. Gong Furuo could guess it was him just by listening to his voice.

Gong Furuo: "Of course."
Gong Furuo: "Liuying."
Liu Ying sat next to her with a gentle look on his face.
She was still like a primary school student when she was listening to the class. She placed her hands neatly on the table, looked at the blackboard intently, and looked at the blackboard intently.

Liu Ying occasionally turned his head to glance at her. When he met his eyes, he was not embarrassed. He looked at her and smiled, then left.

After finally getting through to the end of get out of class, Liu Ying felt a little regretful about why the class went so quickly.

Toolman: "Students, our class is going to put on a show this time for the school anniversary."
Because it is the centennial anniversary, it is the first time that relatively rigid regulations have been made.

As soon as the young counselor finished speaking, everyone in the class turned their attention to Gong Furuo and Liu Ying.

Everyone has basically heard of the two of them’s versatility.

Liu Ying didn't like this kind of limelight talent show, but he looked at the quiet and well-behaved Gong Furuo next to him, raised the corners of his lips and smiled.

Liu Ying: "Ruoruo, can the two of us put on a show?"
Gong Furuo: "Are you following me?"
Gong Furuo repeated in surprise that she had no problem, but based on her understanding, she thought Liu Ying would be very resistant to such activities.

(End of this chapter)

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