Chapter 161
Her gaze stayed for a while, then moved downward naturally.

Just such a look, just a look, frightened her pupils to dilate, her hands trembled, she was frightened and ashamed.

Gong Furuo: "Liu She and."
Gong Furuo: "Are you Liu Sheyu?"
The helmsman of the famous Liu Enterprises in City B is also Liu Ying's father.

How could this happen? Gong Furuo stared blankly at his name under the red official seal.

Liu Sheyu had already anticipated this moment, so he didn't panic at all and remained steady.

Liu Sheyu: "What's wrong? My reputation is very bad. Why do you react like this?"
Gong Furuo's face became increasingly pale, and his delicate eyebrows knitted together.

With tears in his eyes, he looked particularly sad and sad.

Time froze at this moment, and it took a while for her to find her voice again.

Gong Furuo: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just too surprised."
Gong Furuo: "I didn't expect it to be you, but it turned out to be you."
Liu Sheyu knew why she was like this, but he had already made up his mind that he would definitely hide this matter from her.

A man with despicable methods is enough to lose points in her heart. If this man still drags her down knowing his identity, he may never win her heart in this life.

Liu Sheyu thought clearly and calmly.

Liu Sheyu: "Then you just dislike my age?"
Liu Sheyu: "I take good care of myself. I look like I'm in my early thirties. Everyone will misunderstand me."
Liu Sheyu: "Do you know that I am nearly 40 years old, and you don't like me even more?"
Gong Furuo's mind was still a mess, and he couldn't figure anything out, so he was forced to follow his words to divert his attention.

But she herself was unaware of this, and instead waved her hands nervously.She is gentle and considerate by nature, and has the greatest goodwill towards the world. She hates others being belittled or looking down on themselves.Gong Furuo: "No."
Gong Furuo: "I don't dislike you."
Gong Furuo: "There is nothing worthy of criticism about you. You are well-known and well-known by everyone in City B."
Liu Sheyu looked down at her with tender eyes.

He had never thought that there was such a girl in the world. She looked like a snow girl, but her character was as cold as snow.In Liu Sheyu's life, no one has ever worked so hard and sincerely to praise him for all his achievements.When he was young, his parents treated him coldly and impatiently. When he was able to control his own destiny, people treated him at a respectful distance.

Liu Sheyu: "Really?"
Although it was intentional, his sincerity was really poured into these words.

Gong Furuo: "Yeah, really."
Gong Furuo comforted him with a gentle voice. He no longer had time to care about the question that almost drove her to tears. It hit Liu She and her heart. He looked at her lovingly and tenderly, and his eyes flashed with joy.At the same time, a warm current flowed through the apex of his heart, and he was instantly filled with soft emotions.

The moment Gong Furuo lowered his head, a playful smile appeared on his lips.It was really interesting to get along with Liu Sheyu. This man Cheng Fushen was good at acting. The most important thing was that he was handsome and had a good temperament. He was her type.

Liu Sheyu: "Leave the marriage certificate to me for safekeeping."
As soon as Gong Furuo warmed up the red certificate, he asked him to take it away from his palm.

Before she could react, she watched as he carefully stuffed the ID into his suit pocket.

Liu Sheyu said: "Let's go, I have to go back and pack things this afternoon."
Liu Sheyu: "We will set off tomorrow."
Gong Furuo: "Are you in such a hurry?"
Liu Sheyu turned to look at her, his half-closed eyebrows blocking the faint possessiveness and subtle fear in his eyes.

Liu She said: "Leif Hospital will not have time to make diagnosis arrangements until tomorrow. If it is later, they should go out to attend the symposium."
Seeing that the matter was so urgent and related to his mother, Gong Furuo lowered his eyes to hide his loneliness and depression.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, I'll listen to you."
This sentence did not calm Liu She and the beast roaring in his heart, but made him even more greedy, coveting her truth.

Liu Sheyu: "Shall we go back early today to prepare?"
(End of this chapter)

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