Chapter 164
Liu Ying wanted to use family power to find Gong Furuo, but when the people below heard his purpose, they refused to remain silent in response.

Liu Ying's eyes were cold. Apart from Liu She and Liu She, who else could ask them to disobey the Liu family's heir's order?
Liu Ying: "Dad, didn't you say you wouldn't interfere with me?"
Liu Ying: "Why did these people at home become immobile as soon as they heard my order and it was related to Ruoruo?"
What a coincidence.Liu Sheyu moved faster than anyone imagined. When he brought the phone, Liu Sheyu was about to board his private jet.If it's a little later, the call won't be connected today.

Of course it's because it's inappropriate for you, a son, to inquire about your stepmother.

Liu Shehe's face was cold, his eyes were dim, and his voice was low.

Liu Sheyu said, "I just don't want to anymore. Okay, I have other things to do, so I'll hang up."
The busy tone of "Dudu" restored Liu Ying's consciousness.

All his power so far is attached to Liu She and above. Once he doesn't want to, he will be nothing.

This was the first time Liu Ying realized this fact so intuitively.

The friend on the other end of the phone heard about his experience and first expressed sympathy for him, and then finally made some suggestions in Liu Ying's impatient voice.

Toolman: "Don't you have classes tomorrow? Prepare a small gift that she likes and admit your mistake."
Toolman: "It's Pimmo's syndrome. I'm sure you can help solve it. Quickly express your opinion. The matter is almost over."
That's all it can do now.

Liu Ying silently prepared the gift for a long time with a guilty and uneasy heart, and practiced his apology over and over again.

He thought that even if Ruoruo didn't forgive him for a moment, it wouldn't matter, as long as she still allowed him to take care of her.
Liu Ying tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at night. He simply came to school early today. He brought the gifts he carefully prepared. He didn't sleep all night and was a little tired.

It stands to reason that people like Liu Ying should have been used to everyone's attention.

But today was different. The stares from the students in University B made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

The way they looked at him was strange, but due to the power of the Liu family, they didn't dare to show it too obviously, and they were timid, which made it even weirder.Liu Ying frowned impatiently and glanced over with cold eyes. As expected, they no longer dared to peek and all obediently averted their eyes.


Liu Ying waited for hour after hour and made phone calls one after another, but in vain, without getting any response.

Countless terrifying conjectures were lingering in his mind, making him breathless.

Until the counselor called him to the office in a panic.

Toolman: "You may have to deal with Gong Furuo's suspension of school and help her fill out the documents."
Even though the counselor felt sorry for her sudden suspension of school and even felt impatient, she still patiently communicated with Liu Ying politely.

Liu Ying: "What?"
Liu Ying: "Why suspend school?"
Liu Ying stood up suddenly in shock. His chair was almost overturned. The counselor was startled by his actions.

He couldn't understand. He had heard more or less about Liu Ying and Gong Furuo's relationship. How come his boyfriend didn't even know about his girlfriend's suspension from school.

But the top priority is to appease his emotions.

Toolman: "Liu Ying, don't worry, it's just a break from school. You'll be back sooner or later."
Liu Ying was stunned, not hearing anything. He only felt that the world in front of him seemed to have collapsed, like ruins, and all the scenery had lost its color.

He still hadn't come back to his senses until he walked out of the office with the counselor's worried and complicated eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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