Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 17 17 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 17 17. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

When Shan Shu was in the Eastern Qing Dynasty, she only heard about the reputation of Princess Qingluan of the Southern Jin Dynasty, but she never heard her sister mentioned seriously. She only occasionally heard rumors saying that Princess Qingluan's twin sister was jealous and vicious. At that time, I just sneered at her, thinking that I couldn't catch the wind and catch the shadow. Now that I think about it, it's really strange. I wonder what this princess is like?
Shan Shu: "Ruo'er, don't blame Sister Shu for talking too much. I've never seen your sister before. What kind of person is she?"
When Gong Furuo heard her suddenly ask this question, Bai Yu Wuxia's face was slightly startled, but he thought in his heart that it was finally here, and it was worth paving the way for so long.

Gong Furuo: "Well...sister, she is beautiful, generous and straightforward."
Gong Furuo smiled sweetly, the plain colored earrings on his ears swayed slightly, he thought for a moment, and spoke eloquently. His voice was like cool spring water, flowing straight into people's hearts.

Seeing her like this, Shan Shu first shook her head lovingly. Seeing her like this, she must have liked her sister very much. Unintentionally, she saw Lan Ying's expression behind her. Her beautiful face was full of resentment and forbearance. She immediately had a suspicion in her mind. It seemed that she liked this sister, but Gong Fuli might not be the same way. She might have done a lot of excessive things, otherwise a steady person like Lan Ying would not be so rude.

Shan Shu: "Really? If it's like what you said, Ruo'er, then your sister must be pretty good."
The hidden meaning in her words can be understood through careful reading, but her unhappiness cannot be concealed in the simple and plain words.

Lan Ying is dignified and steady, but only Gong Fuli is the most disgusting to her. The more she likes Gong Fuluo, the more she hates Gong Fuli. Now that she hears herself praising Gong Fuli in front of her new friends, she will naturally He was worried that he would be resentful of Gong Fuli and could not hide himself very well in a short time. All he had to do was make Shan Shu accidentally see Lan Ying's expression through subtle movements. Shan Shu would definitely dislike Gong Fuli in advance.

Gong Furuo picked up the pastry and took a sip, then raised the tea cup to his mouth, concealing the smile at the corner of his mouth without leaving any trace.

After that, Gong Fuluo no longer deliberately mentioned the topic of Gong Fuli, after all, going too far was not enough.The two talked about life philosophy from poetry and songs, and the more they chatted, the more they became more and more speculative. Seeing that it was getting late, the two reluctantly said goodbye.

After Gong Furuo took a shower, he lay half-lying on the bed and flipped through a collection of poems, gradually becoming enchanted.

Lan Ying: "Your Highness, the red brocade and gold dress has been sent to Princess Shan Shu. Princess Shan Shu likes it very much and has asked my servant to thank you on her behalf."
Gong Furuo: "As long as Sister Shu likes it, it can be regarded as making the best use of it."
When Gong Fuluo heard this, she was very happy for a moment, and then she picked up the book again and silently flipped through it. Lan Ying had been waiting for her for a long time, and knew that she liked to read quietly, so she didn't say a word, so she quietly retreated to the door, only preparing for Gong Fuluo. Make it possible for people to hear it.

While Gong Furuo was appreciating the wonderful words and phrases, he thought in his mind that it was time to release Gong Furuo, otherwise the stage would be set up and there would be no one to perform on the stage.

Sure enough, when she had dinner with Jin Huang and others the next night, she closed up and felt lonely, eating a few mouthfuls of food without much appetite. When Jin Huang looked at her, he forced a smile and pretended to be nothing.Emperor Jin couldn't resist it. He thought she had been wronged in some way, so he quickly put down his silver chopsticks and asked her with concern.

Emperor Jin: "What's wrong with Gua Ruo'er today? She looks unhappy, but whoever is short-sighted has wronged you."
The queen of the Jin Dynasty, Gong Chelang, also stared at her eagerly, as if he was ready to vent his anger on her at any time, which made Gong Furuo feel funny in his heart.

Gong Furuo: "I just miss my sister. I haven't seen her for a long time."
Hearing her like this, several people looked at each other silently, taking turns to comfort each other but to no avail. Finally, when they saw her covering her heart with a frown and coughing, their heartache took over. They had no choice but to coax her that Gong Fuli was about to recover and would be there soon. When she could walk again, she gave a weak smile.

(End of this chapter)

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