Chapter 175
Tool Man: "Old Lin, have you ever considered the possibility that maybe this is not our daughter?"
Father Lin was stunned at first and thought it was extremely ridiculous.But the words of negation were on his lips, but he couldn't say them out.

Finally he held his wife's hand in silence.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Mother Lin knew that he was a little shaken and hurriedly took advantage of the victory to pursue her.

Tool Man: "Chu Chu is my daughter who was born in ten months of pregnancy. I know best what kind of person she is."
Tool Man: "When I look at her, my heart can turn into a cloud or a puddle of water."
Tool Man: "But facing Lin Chuchu now, I just feel that her character is low. I also see that she is extremely cold and has no love at all."
Mother Lin looked anxious, with tears streaming down her cheeks. Father Lin put the cigarette in his mouth irritably, and finally he hugged Mother Lin tightly.

Tool Man: "I believe you, our Chu Chu is so good and loves us so much, she won't do this."
Mother Lin smiled and looked at Father Lin with a cold look in her eyes.


Toolman: "Master Liu, everything has been done according to your instructions."
Toolman: "Lin Chuchu has been kicked out of University B."
The person on the other end reported respectfully that this was good news, but Liu Ying still looked cold.

Liu Ying: "Help me check Gong Furuo's whereabouts."
He tried again, with a tremor of fear hidden in his cold voice.

There was silence on the other end for a long time, and a dull sound came out after a long time.

Liu Ying: "Sorry, this won't work. We can't detect Gong Fuloruo's whereabouts."
Liu Ying had no intention of embarrassing him. The moment he hung up the phone, the sound of broken utensils echoed in his study.

The servants downstairs were trembling and looked at each other helplessly.

I don’t know what’s going on these days, but the young master’s temper has been outrageous, and the master has been on a business trip abroad and hasn’t come back.Although the young master will not embarrass them, the pressure of the sole owner of the villa is so low that their life is not easy.

Liu Ying gradually calmed down. He stepped in the middle of a pile of mess, his brain running rapidly.Whether they are looking for subordinates of the Liu family or hiring a detective agency, as soon as these people hear Ruoruo's name, they will reject it without saying a word.

Liu Ying: "Dad, did you intercept all of Ruoruo's news because you were afraid that she would affect me?"
Liu Ying: "Or, if Ruoruo is able to travel far away from home, is it because of your contribution?"
His expression was unpredictable, his eyes were sharp and cold, and his whole body was full of hostility.

At this time, Liu Ying fully believed that his beloved girl was a victim of the inheritance of the Liu family's power, a victim who was so disgusted by his father that he left his hometown so that he could successfully marry into a wealthy family.

At this moment, the still immature Liu Ying did not know that the truth was far more cruel than he had guessed.

Time will not stop because of people's joys and sorrows. Liu Ying spent a long time in the sadness of longing; Lin Chuchu spent this time in the anger of being imprisoned by her parents and losing her freedom...

As for Liu Sheyu, compared with the above two people, his life is beautiful and sweet, and he is as happy as a god.

The priceless luxury car parked smoothly in front of a gorgeous villa.

The style of the villa is very special. Different from the traditional Western decoration, the design style of the villa incorporates Chinese classical elements. In front of the villa, various types of flowers bloom enthusiastically.

Among the charming and elegant flowers, a slender young woman is patiently pruning the flower branches with her back to the door.

Liu Sheyu: "Why are you doing these things by yourself again? What should I do if I accidentally scratch my hand?"
The tall man gently held her slender waist from behind and whispered in her ear, his voice gentle and affectionate.

Stupid author: "I know I owe too much, and I will make up for it."
Stupid author: "I don't want to be an ace pigeon anymore!"
(End of this chapter)

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