Chapter 177
Palace Mother: "Xiao Liu, Ruoruo, it's time to eat."
She walked to the window and took a look. She didn't know why her daughter was made to cry again. Her eyes were red. Liu Sheyu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, hugging her and talking eagerly.

The palace mother curled her lips and smiled. She has a good temper. Someone will feel bad if she has a bad temper.

After hearing what the palace mother said, Gong Furuo wiped away his tears reluctantly and grabbed Liu Sheyu's face again.

Gong Furuo: "You didn't even bring me a gift."
Gong Furuo: "I want to complain to my mother."
Liu Sheyu grabbed her cheeks with her soft and delicate hands, looked at her delicate look with a smile, and begged for mercy.

Liu Sheyu said: "I brought it, I brought it, don't be angry, okay?"
Gong Furuo: "That brooch, if I don't like it, it's not a gift."
When she was cheating, she glanced at you unconsciously and pursed her pink lips angrily.

Liu Sheyu said, "I brought something else with me. It's in the car. I'll show it to you after dinner. You must like it."
Beside the window, the palace mother looked at her with a smile. Gong Furuo himself felt a little embarrassed and gently touched his cheek.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, thank you."
Liu Sheyu knew that this meant feeling guilty, so he hugged her waist and smiled.

Liu Sheyu said: "Let's go, we must be hungry. Last night I heard you said that today my mother-in-law will cook by herself, right?"
Liu Sheyu said, "You like to eat the food cooked by your mother-in-law the most. It doesn't taste good when it's cold."
Gong Furuo: "Yeah."
She responded in a low voice, looking at his bright eyes.

Palace Mother: "Let's eat quickly."
Meeting his mother's joking gaze, Gong Furuo silently walked to Liushe and sat beside him.

Liu Sheyu said: "Mom, please try this salted duck. You made it very delicious today."
The palace mother responded with a smile and looked away cooperatively.

A meal was enjoyable.


In the spacious and bright office of City B in China, Liu Ying rested his chin with both hands and looked cold.

He has successfully graduated from University B and officially entered the Liu family.

But even so, his life is still shrouded in the shadow of Liu Sheyu. On the surface, Liu Sheyu will no longer prohibit City B from investigating Gong Furuo.But all the information about her was buried tightly, and not a single bit could be revealed. It was also obvious who did it.

But at this moment, his mind was occupied by another thing.

His own father, Liu Sheyu, who is not close to women, is cold and indifferent, seems to be hiding his beauty in a golden house abroad.

He discovered this by accident.

His mind went back to a few days ago.

Liu Ying had an urgent document to give to Liu Sheyu. He was about to knock on the door when he heard a female voice coming from inside.
Toolman: "Sir, my wife is still sleeping. Yes, she has been quite sleepy these days."
Through the gap in the door, Liu Sheyu spotted him and said lightly to the other end, "Take care of her" before hanging up the phone.
Recalling his gentle profile and affectionate eyes at that time, Liu Ying only felt ironic

He himself is not a saint. His frivolous reasons drove him away and separated him and Ruoruo, but he raised a beautiful wife abroad.

Liu Ying: "I really want to see what kind of woman she is. She has such high skills."
Liu Ying: "It's just around the corner to enter the Liu family."
His heart was full of hatred, and he considered her with the greatest malice.

He turned the pen in his hand, the darkness in his eyes flashed, and his expression was cold and dark.

In a small, dark and narrow room, a disheveled woman's eyes flashed with deep hatred.

Her hands and feet were restrained by ropes and she did not suffer any physical torture, but her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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