Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 20 20 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 20 20. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

Qi Helian was delighted with Gong Fuluo. Naturally, he couldn't see his sweetheart being wronged and wept silently. At that moment, his eyebrows were raised and his bright red thin lips raised a sarcastic smile. However, because Gong Fuli was Gong Fuluo's biological sister after all, for this reason Taking Nan Jin's face into consideration, he just said a few words.

Qi Helian: "Princess Qingluan is really clever. Since Her Royal Highness the Princess doesn't like it, I wonder if I would be honored to have a taste of this health-preserving ginseng ice cream."
Seeing him like this, Gong Furuo burst into laughter and handed the cake to Qi Helian with his own hands, with a slight tremor in his crisp voice.

Gong Furuo: "It's Ruo'er's blessing that Prince Xiwei likes this pastry."
Qi Helian stared at her deeply, seeing that her eyes were still slightly red, and her heart ached slightly, so he quickly diverted her attention.

Qi Helian: "The color of this pastry is like snow, and it tastes sweet and melts in your mouth. It's really good. However, I only ate ginseng and yam. I wonder if there are any other ingredients?"
Gong Furuo saw him picking up the pastry and putting it into his mouth. He seemed to like it. Hearing him ask this question, his mood improved a little.

Gong Furuo: "We also added osmanthus honey and very finely ground red bean powder."
In order to support Gong Furuo, Shan Zi and Chu Si also hurriedly joined in, clamoring to try the health-preserving snow ginseng cake. Even Gong Chelang stood up and tasted a piece, secretly giving Gong Furuo a shame. .

Gong Fuli looked at Gong Fuluo who was surrounded by the crowd, and felt extremely hateful. He also saw Qi Helian, who was cold-hearted towards him, but was very gentle towards Gong Fuluo, and even slapped him in the face for her. The resentment towards her reached its peak at this moment.

Gong Frye: "It would be great if she could disappear without her."
Gong Fuli whispered to herself in a low voice, almost crazy. Fortunately, no one paid attention to her at this time, otherwise there would be another uproar.

This is Gong Fuluo's purpose today. Gong Fuli will definitely fall in love with Qi Helian at first sight. This is the person she had been asking for in her previous life, and she showed Qi Helian's specialness to her in front of her. The old and new grudges over the years will one day make Gong Fry lose his mind.

Everyone saw what happened and felt puzzled. Princess Qingluan, a kind person, was cautious in front of her sister but only got criticized and bullied. It seemed that the eldest princess of the Southern Jin Dynasty was as annoying as the rumors.

In the days that followed, Gong Furuo and Qi Helian met several times intentionally or unintentionally. Their relationship became more ambiguous, and there was a hint of hidden affection in each other's eyes when they accidentally looked at each other.

On this day, Gong Furuo was practicing calligraphy in Qingluan Pavilion when he heard Lan Ying's report.

Lan Ying: "Your Highness, the Prince of Western Wei sent his servant to bring you the Bingxiao flower, a specialty of Western Wei."
Gong Furuo knew it in his heart and seemed to be unable to bear it. However, Qi Helian always acted in a systematic way and would not let himself be stigmatized as a private person.

Gong Furuo: "Who else has received it besides me?"
Before Lan Ying came in to report, he had already inquired about everything, and immediately replied crisply.

Lan Ying: "In addition to Xiwei's own country, there are princes and princesses from the other three countries."
Gong Furuo smiled secretly, it was indeed appropriate, but it was not difficult for him.

Gong Furuo: "Bring me the box. I don't need you to serve me here. Lan Ying, please go down first."
Gong Furuo opened the box. In addition to a beautiful Bingxiao flower, there was also a delicate white jade hairpin in the shape of a lotus. It was bright and clear, with excellent color. There were faint traces of milky white in the jade color, and the tentacles were warm.There was also a piece of paper pressed under the hairpin, with a few big characters written like dragons and phoenixes on it: See you tonight at Qianli Pond in the Royal Garden.

(End of this chapter)

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