Chapter 203
Doctor Doug didn't understand what he meant for a moment and froze on the spot.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Liu Ying simply opened his mouth and said.

Liu Ying: "The girl you are hypnotizing, replace the role of Liu She and me."
His expression was calm, and his eyes shone with an incomprehensible light.

There were some crystal tears in Dr. Doug's eyes.

Toolman: "But if he is discovered, he will not let me and my wife go."
Liu Ying narrowed his eyes, looked at him with an unclear expression, and sneered.

Liu Ying: "If you don't agree, I won't let you go now."
Seeing Dr. Doug's stiff look, Liu Ying understood the principle of giving a sweet date to a stick, so he lowered his voice to persuade him.

Liu Ying: "You can rest assured. As soon as this matter is over, I will immediately send you and your wife to a place where no one can find them, so that you can live your lives in peace and contentment."
Liu Ying: "Oh, by the way, there is also a sum of money that will never be spent in this lifetime."
This is not Dr. Doug's principle, Liu Ying knows, but he is not anxious at all, waiting for a satisfactory answer with certainty.

Sure enough, he hesitated again and again and clenched his fists.

Toolman: "Do you promise?"
Liu Ying: "Of course, sir, I promise."
Liu Ying: "I'm just afraid you have to tell me your progress first."
Dr. Doug nodded and lowered his eyes.

Tool Man: "I have to tell you some sad news..."
Toolman: "Can you accept this?"
Liu Ying was confused, but it only lasted for a while before he spoke firmly.

Liu Ying: "Yes, why don't you want to!"
Even so, it's better than doing nothing.

…Gong Furuo’s hypnosis treatment was finally over. Doctor Doug informed him in advance that the last hypnosis had the greatest effect, so he needed to recover slowly, and he should not be anxious no matter how long he slept.

At this time, his wife's condition worsened and she hurriedly said goodbye. Liu Sheyu didn't think much about it. He still had the last payment in his hands, so he let her go happily.

After waiting for more than a day, Gong Furuo opened her eyes. She smiled happily and her eyes were full of sticky love. Liu Sheyu shuddered at the look in her eyes.Right, that is it.

Liu She said: "Fufu, you're awake. You must be hungry. Come and have a bowl of porridge first."
Gong Furuo leaned into his arms, full of dependence and love.

Gong Furuo: "I'm hungry."
After finishing a bowl of warm white porridge, she suddenly asked
Gong Furuo: "Where's Aying? I've been sleeping for a whole day, and he doesn't come to see me. Does he like someone else?"
Liu She asked: "What? What Aying?"
Seeing his gloomy expression, Gong Furuo pursed her lips and smiled. She gently poked his chest with her slender white hands and said with a sweet smile.

Gong Furuo: "What are you doing? Are you jealous? Didn't the three of us agree? I love both of you equally."
Liu She asked: "Already agreed? Love the same?"
Gong Fuluo was startled when she saw that his face was very ugly and his eyes were full of cruelty and evil, and tears filled his eyes.

Gong Fuluo: "Okay, now you dislike it, don't you want to regret it? Then go, don't force yourself so much."
She cried so hard that she choked and said angry words. Liu Sheyu couldn't care about anything else for the time being. He calmed down his anger and comforted her with gentle words.

Liu Sheyu said, "It's my fault. I'm too emotional. Fu Fu, please stop crying."
Just at this time, their door was pushed open, and the people from Liuying and Liushe were confronting each other. He walked in swaggeringly as if he didn't see anything.

Liu Ying: "Look, Ruoruo, it's not that I don't come to see you, it's his people who are stopping me."
Liu Ying: "Why are you so bad? You don't abide by the agreement at all."
(End of this chapter)

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