Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 209 3 days of falling and green plum

Chapter 209 3. Tiansheng and Qingmei

Luo Sheng: "Han Qing said it was urgent, and he didn't do it on purpose. Xiaozheng, you can't just say something out of anger when you're in a hurry."
Luozheng knew he had made a mistake, and his face turned pale when he realized what he said. Fortunately, the people present were all close friends, so he was not worried that they would spread the word.

Seeing her brother trying to make amends for her and labeling those words just now as angry words, Luozheng smiled coquettishly and apologized as usual.

Luozheng: "Look at me, I can't speak with my brain when I'm angry."
Everyone smiled and responded, and the atmosphere became lively again.

It's just that the eyes they looked at Luozheng were no longer as loving as before. After hearing her complaints about Fu Hanqing, there was a bit of chill in their eyes.

Fu Hanqing is the core figure of their group. They were all rich kids who were spoiled by their families. If you don't let me, I won't accept you. If it weren't for Fu Hanqing's charisma, we wouldn't be where we are now.

Luozheng thought this incident was over, but Luo Sheng was far from being as naive as she was.He was secretly anxious, but he also understood that it would be wrong to talk too much about this stall.

The undercurrent is turbulent here, but the years are quiet over there.

It's getting late, but City C is still brightly lit and people are coming and going.

In the lobby of the airport, a petite girl sat with her back to Fu Hanqing. Her back was thin but her back was straight. It was obvious that she had received a good upbringing.

Her long black hair, as thick as seaweed, covered part of her slender waist, making her slender waist even more alluring.

Fu Hanqing: "Are you as good as water?"
Gong Furuo.: "Cold night?"
The little girl turned around and put on a simple white skirt. Her snow-white face had no makeup, but in the night, it was astonishingly white. Her eyebrows were gentle and clear, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

The clear and bright eyes blinked, with thick and long eyelashes like butterfly wings, blinking straight into his heart.

She looked at him openly with a pure smile.

Gong Furuo.: "You are more handsome than I thought."
Fu Hanqing had never seen this formation before, and his handsome face turned red quietly.

Fu Hanqing: "I have arranged a hotel for you on the way here. I will send you there now."
He changed the subject unnaturally.Gong Furuo shook his head slightly and smiled slyly.

Gong Furuo.: "I want to visit City C at night."
Gong Furuo.: "I don't know if anyone is willing to accompany me."
Fu Hanqing also smiled. The smile of the usually deserted person was like the moonlight filling the water.

Fu Hanqing: "I was the first to sign up."
She had obviously only talked to her online before, but she didn't feel unfamiliar at all when they met for the first time. Fu Hanqing felt his heart soften when he saw her smiling face.

Just at this moment, the phone rang.

Fu Hanqing flicked the screen, it was Luozheng.

He glanced at Gong Furuo's side face and wanted to hang up.

Gong Furuo felt it keenly, raised his head and smiled at him.

Gong Furuo: "It doesn't matter to me. Just take it. What if there's something urgent?"
Take it, of course you have to take it. What kind of words can the angry little princess say?

Fu Hanqing: "Hey, what's wrong?"
There was a hint of impatience in his tone that he didn't even notice, but Luozheng on the other end had the keenness of a woman to hear it immediately. She had originally suppressed her displeasure and forced herself to call him generously.

Luozheng: "Brother Hanqing, where are you now? How is the matter handled?"
She endured it and finally asked the question.

But because I was in a bad mood, these words of concern came out like questions.

Fu Hanqing frowned slightly.

Fu Hanqing: "I have my own affairs in mind."
Luozheng also realized that his harsh tone had offended him. He was about to give in when he heard a female voice.

Gong Furuo.: "Yeah!"
Stupid author: "Thank you for being a member of Baozi. I owe a lot of debt. Let's pay it off slowly."
(End of this chapter)

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