Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 212 6 days of falling and green plum

Chapter 212 6. Tiansheng and Qingmei

Toolman: "Thank you, Mr. Gong Furuo, the snacks you brought are delicious."
Toolman: "Yes, yes, I have never eaten this before."
The classmates who heard the conversation around them noticed the movement here, and a few turned their heads with friendly smiles.

It has always been Gong Furuo's skill to make others fall in love with her most sincerely in the shortest time.

Gong Furuo: "As long as everyone likes it, I will bring it to you next time."
Gong Furuo received their kindness and smiled. In the hot summer, it was like a clear spring flowing into people's hearts.

Seeing her smile, Fu Hanqing raised the corners of his lips, tore open the transparent packaging bag and put the snack into his mouth.

It tasted a little cloyingly sweet, which was not his taste.But Fu Hanqing, who has always been picky and never willing to offend his taste buds, ate it all in one go.

Fu Hanqing: "I think it's delicious too."
Luozheng: "Brother Hanqing, do you really like it?"
She murmured in a low voice. Gong Furuo didn't hear it clearly, but Fu Hanqing heard it all.
The get out of class bell rings.

Gong Furuo packed up the textbooks on the table.

Luozheng: "Han..."
Gong Furuo: "Want to eat?"
Fu Hanqing: "What do you want to eat?"
There was a trace of depression and confusion in Luozheng's eyes.

Gong Fuluo caught a glimpse of all this from the corner of her eye, she curled her lips and smiled, then paused in her movements.

Gong Furuo: "What do you want to eat? Let's go together."
Luozheng: "Huh?"
Luozheng was stunned. It was obviously a kind invitation, but she felt depressed in her heart, and a trace of almost undetectable jealousy arose in her heart.

Luozheng: "Brother Han Qing and I grew up together. It's normal for us to have lunch together."
Luozheng: "Although, thank you for your kindness."
Gong Furuo raised his eyebrows. It's not good for a little girl to be like this. She can't hold her breath and make some declarations casually, which can easily get slapped in the face.

Fu Hanqing: "In that case, let's go first."
Fu Hanqing tapped his index finger on the table and made a decision quickly.

He should be the most reassuring boyfriend, full of security. Between others and the girl he likes, he will always firmly choose her.

Gong Furuo glanced at him, and his lips covered in bean paste-colored lipstick formed a faint smile.Gong Furuo.: "Wait a minute."
Gong Furuo: "Luozheng, can I call you Xiaozheng?"
Gong Furuo.: "You are really beautiful and cute. I liked you very much the first time I saw you. So, can I be friends with you?"
It's true that Luozheng is the eldest lady who is admired by all the stars, but she has never received such straightforward feelings. She was a little confused and froze slightly.

Luozheng: "I...really?"
Gong Furuo: "Of course, don't hesitate, let's go, let's go have dinner together."
Luozheng: "That...okay."
Her soft ears are both her greatest strength and her greatest weakness.

Gong Furuo looked at her quiet and beautiful profile, with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

He seems to be such a kind and simple person at ordinary times, but why do he always let his friends be hurt and bullied at critical moments?

Obviously, for her, it was just a matter of words.

Gong Furuo sometimes really felt that he couldn't see through people's hearts.

But it doesn't matter, none of this matters anymore.How can people who pass away because of rumors come back?

Gong Furuo.: "The more people there are, the more delicious the food will be."
Gong Furuo whispered in his ear naturally, smiling as brightly as a nutmeg on a branch.

Fu Hanqing couldn't help but smile with confidence.

Fu Hanqing: "You."
Luozheng looked at their harmonious and intimate atmosphere and felt that he was extraneous.

I'm following you, am I right or wrong?She hesitated to doubt herself.


Stupid author: "Hmph~Lulu~Hululu."
(End of this chapter)

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