Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 216 10 days of falling and green plum

Chapter 216 10. Tiansheng and Qingmei

Luo Sheng: "Xiao Zheng, have you had lunch?"
The suit jacket he had worn in the morning hung loosely on his muscular, wheat-colored arms.

Luozheng: "Brother."
Luozheng didn't like eating alone. She was used to her brother's company always putting her first.

Luozheng: "I've eaten."
Luo Sheng: "Then I'll be relieved."
Luo Sheng naturally raised a smile.

There was an unconcealable smile on his face.

Luozheng looked at his smile blankly, a little silent, and had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Luozheng: "Brother, has your matter been resolved?"
Luo Sheng's smile widened when he heard her mention what happened at noon.

He took off the suit from his arm, laid it down on the sofa casually, pulled the solid wood chair next to her and sat down happily. He giggled twice before he spoke.

Luo Sheng: "Xiao Zheng, you are going to have a sister-in-law soon."
Luozheng's smiling lips froze.

She stared at him with wide eyes in disbelief and clenched her hands tightly.

Luozheng: "What sister-in-law?"
Luozheng: "Brother, are you kidding me?"
Luo Sheng was immersed in his own joy and didn't notice anything strange about her, and smiled to himself.

Luo Sheng: "I'm not kidding, it's true."
Luo Sheng: "Didn't I go home at noon today? It's because I did her a favor and she invited me to dinner at noon."
Luozheng looked at his ruthless and exquisite side face, and when he lowered his head, his eyes turned red and he felt depressed.

Luozheng: "No wonder my brother didn't come home at noon today. He was having dinner with her."
Her voice was very low, and she was mumbling to herself, pressed in her throat, making it difficult for Luo Sheng to hear clearly.

Luo Sheng: "Xiao Zheng?"
Luo Sheng had a rippling smile.Luo Sheng: "My brother didn't hear what you just said."
Luozheng forced a smile and shook his head.

Luozheng: "It's nothing, brother, please tell me how you met her? What kind of person is she?"
After all, Luo Sheng was not considerate enough and had a carefree temperament. He thought Luozheng was like this, thinking that she was concerned about her love life, so he patted her head and smiled, and said slowly.

From an angle that he couldn't see, there was a trace of dark jealousy in Luozheng's always innocent eyes, which was a terrifying look that even she herself was not aware of.

Gong Furuo saw her appearance on the smart monitoring panel of System 001 and curled up his lips. The goblet filled with bright red wine liquid held between his fingertips reflected an ominous light under the light.

Gong Fuluo.: "The little princess of the Luo family has always wanted wind and rain. She can get what she wants without any effort. Of course she is free from worldliness and pure and flawless."
Gong Furuo.: "But when the things she cares about are touched by others, she feels threatened. I wonder if the little princess will change drastically."

Luo Sheng: "That's it. I really like her. I have just sent someone to check her. We should get her information soon. Then I will create a chance encounter."
Luozheng's already pale face became even paler at his joyful voice, and his description made her head spin.

She happened to know a girl who was as beautiful as what her brother described.

Will it be her?

Luozheng shook her head vigorously, with indescribable emotions. She clearly heard her own voice, with some cautious probing.

Luozheng: "What does she look like?"
Luo Sheng thought for a moment and blurted out.

Luo Sheng: "My hair is very long, my skin is very fair, and I have big almond eyes..."
(End of this chapter)

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