Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 222 16 days of falling and green plum

Chapter 222 16. Tiansheng and Qingmei

He also graduated from this school in high school, so he knows the terrain here very well.

In the crystal clear lake water, a girl with wet long hair was floating in the cold lake water. She was clearly in the lake water, but she didn't make any move to struggle, letting the lake water submerge her.

The panic of losing the only biological sister he depended on was like a big hand grasping his heart, prompting him to completely lose his mind. Without hesitation, he took off his coat and threw it to the lake, and jumped into the lake.

Luo Sheng: "Xiao Zheng, brother is here."
Luo Sheng: "Grab my hand."
But he didn't get any response, and Luo Sheng was heartbroken.

Luo Sheng: "No matter what you want to do, my brother will help you."
As soon as these words came out, Luozheng's hand took the initiative to grasp Luo Sheng's outstretched arm.

Luozheng, who was rescued to the shore, choked on some water and breathed heavily.

Under Luo Sheng's concerned and worried eyes, he slowly recovered.

For a long time, she couldn't wait to grab Luo Sheng's sleeves, which were still dripping with water, and confirmed to him urgently.

Luozheng: "Brother will help me with anything, right?"
Luozheng: "Brother won't lie to me, right?"
Luo Sheng looked at her like this, and his heart was falling, extremely heavy.

But in the end, he nodded slightly.

Luo Sheng: "Yes, brother, I will keep my word. Don't do stupid things again in the future."
Luozheng: "Brother"
Luozheng: "I knew you were the best."
She threw herself into his arms like a swallow in the forest. The water droplets on her eyelashes shone brightly in the sun, hiding the dark desires in her heart.

Luo Sheng was caught off guard by her closeness. After hesitating for a moment, he still reached out and patted her back gently.

That's all, as long as he makes up for Gong Furuo more in the future. This thought made him gradually solidify his thoughts while struggling and hesitating.


Luozheng: "Ruoruo, I apologize to you for what I said yesterday. After I went back and reflected on it, I also felt that those words were too much."
She grabbed Gong Furuo's slender white hand with a sincere expression.

Luozheng: "Can you forgive me?"
Gong Furuo looked at her innocent and harmless appearance, raised the corners of his lips and smiled, hiding the deep thoughts in his eyes.

Gong Furuo: "We are obviously good friends, but there is something wrong with us keeping this secret from you."
She looked extremely guilty, and her eyes were filled with tears.

Luozheng looked at her still graceful appearance even though she was shed with tears, and smiled proudly and resentfully.

Luozheng: "It would be great if you could forgive me, then I would feel relieved."
Luozheng: "How about I treat you to dinner tonight?"
Luozheng: "You must not refuse me."
Gong Furuo stared at her hand holding his with a calm expression.

Gong Furuo: "Okay."
Gong Furuo: "Then I'll ask Shang Hanqing to come with us."
Luozheng shook his head in a panic and refused in a hasty tone.

Luozheng: "No."
Seeing Gong Fuluo's unexpected and confused look, she seemed to be aware of her gaffe. She concealed herself and smoothed the broken hair on her forehead, trying to speak as naturally as possible.

Luozheng: "I know brother Han Qing, he must still be angry with me now."
Luozheng: "If you tell Brother Hanqing, he might not even agree to you having dinner with me."
Gong Furuo: "What should we do?"
Gong Furuo's eyes flashed with deep meaning, as if he knew everything well, and Luozheng was extremely panicked.But taking a closer look, she still had that innocent smile on her face, and Luozheng secretly let go of her high thoughts.

Luozheng: "Let's not tell him first and give Brother Hanqing more time."
(End of this chapter)

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