Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 225 19 days of falling and green plum

Chapter 225 19. Tiansheng and Qingmei

Gong Furuo: "Ah, really?"
Gong Furuo: "Then I have to taste it."
She gently shook the grape juice drink in her hand. The shaking liquid showed a bright red color under the light, an ominous color that corresponded to blood.

Under Luozheng's longing gaze, Heng Zhi took a gentle sniff and brought it to his mouth.

Gong Furuo.: "The wine is good wine, but it's a pity..."
what a pityLuozheng's heart was about to jump out of her throat. Has she already discovered it?

Gong Furuo looked at her pale face, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and sipped slowly without hesitation. The drink quickly bottomed out, and the goblet that was originally stained with the bright red color of the drink turned back to transparent color, as if Everything dirty has never existed before.

Gong Furuo.: "It's a pity that we won't be able to see each other again..."
Luozheng saw her drinking the drink in the cup with enjoyment and just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard her complete what she just said with a smile.

She answered with a smile.

Luozheng: "What a pity. I can just ask my friends to take care of me from now on."
It's a pity that she didn't get a response. Gong Furuo had already tilted his head and fell weakly on the wide and beautiful dining table.Luozheng had been watching her, paying attention to her reaction. When he saw this, he clapped his hands with joy.

Two men in black who had been waiting outside the door and had prepared everything came in. Following Luozheng's instructions, they opened all the hidden instruments that had been prepared in the private room.


Stupid author: "I'm sorry, sir, but you can't go in."
Fu Hanqing looked anxious, with extremely deep displeasure.

Fu Hanqing: "Do you know who I am?"
Fu Hanqing is a low-key person. Of course the lobby manager does not know him, but even if he does, it will not help, because the owner here has already given instructions that no guests will be entertained today, and no one is allowed to enter the top floor of the Starry Sky International Building. .

His clothes are luxurious and his appearance is extraordinary, especially the pressure he exudes from inside and outside the car is even better than their boss. Although the lobby manager does not recognize him, he still has this look.

He is a well-rounded person who is used to making friends with others, and making things convenient for others means making things convenient for himself.So he lowered his voice to hint.

Toolman: "This is our boss's order. No one can disobey it. Sir, please don't embarrass us."
Fu Hanqing narrowed his eyes and received the hidden meaning in his words.

There must be something fishy about the boss personally giving such an order.Secondly, it won't work to talk it out, it's just a waste of time.

Fu Hanqing looked him up and down, punched him in the face, opened the door and hurried in before anyone could react.

The lobby manager rubbed his blue face and smiled bitterly.

Toolman: "It hit pretty hard."
Tool Man: "You have to move quickly. The rich man's game is really cruel."
Fu Hanqing had never been to this place before, he had only heard of it. He just looked at the decoration inside and suddenly remembered why this place was so familiar.

This is Luo Sheng's industry.

Then the bosses are the two brothers Luozheng and Luo Sheng.

His face completely darkened.

He was too careless, guessing that there would be danger, but he didn't expect that Luozheng had such vicious intentions and planned so carefully. He originally followed Ruoruo just because he was afraid of being bullied.

Fu Han had already asked which room they were in early in the morning and ran towards it quickly with a clear goal.

(End of this chapter)

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