Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 236 30 days of falling and green plum

Chapter 236 30. Tiansheng and Qingmei

There were about twenty well-trained and resolute-looking bodyguards in black standing neatly outside the wooden door.

No, maybe it's not as simple as a bodyguard.Although their faces were resolute, their eyes were particularly indifferent, with a bit of coldness towards human life.In the flash of lightning, Luo Sheng remembered that he had learned about the Fu family's black and white laws, and the identities of these people were self-evident.She screamed and stepped back hastily, trying to close the wooden door.

After all, the people who fought in the darkness and blood were all very agile and quick in reaction, not to mention that Fu Hanqing sent a total of twenty experienced people to ensure that nothing went wrong.

If she really escaped, it would be a great shame for everyone here today.

Luozheng was filled with despair when her hands were tied, her mouth was covered and she was taken away.She really didn't understand how her radiant and dazzling life could come to a complete loss overnight.Things that I thought were a sure win in the past gradually left me, and the people I thought were in my hands also completely gave up on me.

The group of cars started, and the middle car carried their mission target this time. They took her back smoothly, which was considered to be a good job.

Fu's basement.

The Fu family is involved in both black and white. This is why the Fu family can stand firm in C City and everyone avoids its edge. This basement is a place where they deal with some shady matters.

It has been a place that has been used for generations and is absolutely safe and reliable.

Fu Hanqing: "Here we come."
Fu Hanqing: "You haven't been a guest at Fu's house for a long time, right? Today came suddenly. How do you feel? Are you okay?"
Fu Hanqing: "This place can be regarded as the core place of our Fu family. Haven't you always longed to enter such a place? Now you can think of it as your wish."
On the way here, Luozheng clearly saw the direction of the route.Even when she entered here from a place she had never heard of that was considered a secret of the Fu family, the people in black were frank and not afraid of her knowing. It was this frankness that made her even more panicked.
What is the reason that makes a thoughtful person like Fu Hanqing openly display his secrets in front of her?
Or maybe it's because in his eyes, he will never have the chance to speak out.
With undisguised malice and ridicule, Fu Hanqing said something that scared her to the core. Seeing her uneasy and uneasy look, Fu Hanqing smiled with satisfaction.

That's it, just like a cat catching a mouse, it is most interesting to make the prey feel terrified before it dies, even worse than death. It is the most interesting thing to break down her inner defenses.

Luozheng: "Brother Han Qing, I know I was wrong. I really know I was wrong."
Luozheng: "It's true that I did what happened in the hotel, but I really didn't push Gong Furuo down the stairs. I didn't want her life."
Luozheng: "As long as you let me go, I will go far away and never appear in front of you again."
She burst into tears and spoke extremely sincerely.

There are tears in his eyes, and his cheeks are full of tear stains. He stares at you unblinkingly, looking extremely sincere.

Fu Han cleaned his cuffs elegantly and calmly.He suddenly didn't want to continue this boring game anymore. Some people would be better off never showing up in front of him.

Fu Hanqing: "Guess, will I believe you?"
His eyes were deep, like a dark and profound black hole that could pull people into the abyss of depravity.

This was the first time Luozheng saw this side of him, and she was shocked to realize that she didn't understand him at all, nor should she love him.

It's a pity that such words full of disdain and ridicule were the last words she heard in the world. From then on, Luozheng completely disappeared and no one could find her whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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