Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 240 4 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 240 4. Borrowing an Orphan
He is wearing a moon-white brocade robe, with a white animal pattern belt tied around his waist. He has shiny black hair, a pair of sleepy red phoenix eyes, thick black eyebrows, and a thin body. He really looks like Pan An. .

Seeing his elegant gentleman's polite manner, the old lady's eyes flashed with pride and affection.

Mrs. Huangfu: "Hey, eh, eh, ok, what a good boy."
Mrs. Huangfu: "What a great grandson of grandma."
Huangfu Ting smiled slightly, facing the old man's unstinting love and praise. He was neither arrogant nor impetuous, as if he was used to it.

There were many people present, and although Gong Furuo was slightly obscured by the crowd, she was still eye-catching enough.

After Huangfu Ting Zhuying bowed to the old lady, he originally just glanced at her casually, but with this originally casual glance, his eyes stayed on her uncontrollably.

Gong Furuo's black hair was pulled up in a very simple bun. There were a few small green hairpins in the bun. It was very different from the extravagant style that is popular among young ladies at the moment. Bright

Huangfu Tingzhu: "Who is this? I've never seen him before."
Seeing the abnormal look, Mrs. Huangfu raised her eyebrows slightly. He was not a meddlesome person, and his curiosity was not strong. It could even be said that he was not at all.

The fair face appeared in the corner of the old lady's sight, and she smiled thoughtfully.

Mrs. Huangfu: "This is your aunt's cousin. Have you forgotten this?"
She smiled kindly and held Gong Fuluo's hand.

Mrs. Huangfu: "I haven't seen my sister yet."
Huangfu Tingzhu: "My cousin is well"
He took another careful look, his aunt's sister?That was the child from the Qingliu Gong family, who was from a scholarly family and had students all over the world.

A good family, but bad luck has happened. The master of the family has suffered accidents one after another, and only this little girl is left.

Gong Furuo: "My cousin is well."
The little girl blushed, looked timid, and moved gracefully.Huangfu Tingzhu is the companion of the Crown Prince Zhou Yutang. She has been with him since she was a child, and she has also developed an upright character that pays attention to rules and interests. Seeing her smooth and flowing movements that are pleasing to the eye and done in one go, I can't help but sigh in my heart.

With this gorgeous appearance, it was his sister who was sought after by everyone in the capital, and everyone had no choice but to be inferior to her.

Gong Furuo: "When Ruo'er was at home, she often heard her mother talk about her brother, saying that he was the reincarnation of Wenquxing."
She gently bit her lower lip with her pearl-like white and neat teeth, her voice was gentle and soft, and Huangfu Ting thought about it.

Mrs. Huangfu: "Okay, okay, you two brothers and sisters have met each other, and you must get along well in the future."
Huangfu old lady: "I, an old lady, can't bear to stand on this path and talk."
Mrs. Huangfu: "Ruo'er, come with me to enjoy the flowers."
Grandma gets more and more naughty as she gets older, and sometimes she likes to tell and write witty remarks. Huangfu Ting smiled slightly, which is really commonplace.

He turned sideways and got out of the way.

Huangfu Tingzhu said: "Today's flowers can be loved by grandma, and they must bloom very beautifully. Grandma is very lucky."
He was dressed in white, talking and smiling.Gong Furuo was dressed in green clothes and had a pure and innocent smile on his face. He was originally the pride of heaven, but now that they are standing together like this, it is not to mention how well they match each other.

Mrs. Huangfu's eyes rolled.

Mrs. Huangfu: "If that's the case, why don't you join us for a while?"
Without too much hesitation, he looked at the beauty in green covertly and answered simply and neatly.

Huangfu Tingzhu said: "It's rare for grandma to be elegant, so of course my grandson will be with you."
(End of this chapter)

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