Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 26 26 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 26 26. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

The crowd became more and more noisy, and an atmosphere of joy filled the streets.After all, Qi Helian is a foreigner and is still a little confused, but Gong Furuo understands it.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Lian, it's almost Haishi. According to the legend of Jin State, Haishi is the time when the Flower Goddess appears. Lovers who pray at this time can receive blessings."
Hearing this, Qi Helian secretly tightened Gong Fuluo's hand. Gong Fuluo was so amused that he leaned into his ear and whispered.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Lian, don't worry, the Flower Goddess will definitely protect us."
When she came close to his ear, she brought a weak air current, as if a feather had spiraled into Qi Helian's cochlea, making it tingling.

Qi Helian: "Ruo'er, we will last forever."
The two of them unknowingly walked back to the Qinghua River. At this time, on the river bank, young men and women were in pairs, praying silently.Seeing this, Gong Furuo guessed that it was Haishi, and hurriedly took his hand out of Qi Helian's palm, clasped his palms together, and murmured in his mouth.

Gong Furuo: "The Goddess of Flowers is above, bless the believer and Brother Lian to achieve positive results."
Qi Helian also imitated Gong Furuo's behavior, feeling 1 pious in his heart.It's ridiculous to say that everyone in the Western Wei royal family knows that this resolute and resolute Crown Prince is a person who destroys monks and hates Taoism. He firmly believes that what he wants must be obtained by himself. If they see Qi Helian's appearance at this moment, , must be shocked.

Qi Helian: "Ruo'er, I will propose marriage to your father as soon as possible and marry you back to the Western Wei, okay?"
Gong Furuo: "Okay!"
Gong Furuo turned red and ran away.Garden Qi Helian had already let her run once last time, how could he let her run a second time? With a slight smile on his face, he stepped forward with his long legs, stretched out his long arms, and caught her in his arms.

Qi Helian: "You still want to run? Huh?"
His voice was low and magnetic, and his tone was teasing but gentle.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Lian, you are such a bad guy."
Qi Helian: "The worse is behind us."
Qi Helian raised his eyebrows slightly, hugged her exquisite and petite body, and spun her around in the air, turning around and around, and the goose-yellow skirt made waves.

Gong Furuo: "Hahaha, so fun."
Qi Helian just wanted to tease her. Knowing that she was in poor health, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous. However, he put her down after three or four rounds. Gong Furuo's laughter was as cheerful as a silver bell, and he was still a little unsteady at this moment. , Qi He quickly supported her body.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Lian, you are so stupid, this is not a punishment."
Qi Helian: "Then...then next time you say Lian Ge is bad, I won't take you around."
Between lovers, sweet words are never tired of being said.It was getting late, and Qi Helian had no intention of meeting them. He pulled Gong Furuo into the carriage and returned to the Jin Palace.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Lian, I'll go back then."
Qi Helian: "Go ahead, you will dream about me at night, do you know?"
Gong Furuo laughed in his heart, this man is so domineering, and now he has to interfere even with people's dreams.The face is still peaceful with time, and the smile is innocent.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, Ruo'er will try his best. Even my brother, I can only have Ruo'er in my dreams."
Even after hearing what she said, Qi He knew that he was a bit naive. Dreams could not follow anyone's wishes, but in his heart he really looked forward to seeing her in his dreams.

Qi Helian tried his best to suppress himself and not show too much joy, and took Bi Fei back to his dormitory.As soon as Bi Fei washed up and took care of himself, an uninvited guest broke into the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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