Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 260 24 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 260 24. Borrowing an Orphan
Shui'er: "Miss Shen is so beautiful, just like a fairy in the sky. If Mr. Shen sees the way Miss Shen has dressed up for him so carefully, he will definitely feel happy and fall in love with you."
Frankly speaking, Huangfu Tingyue was indeed a beauty, especially against Shui'er, who was just pretty, she looked even more dazzling.Huangfu Tingyue knew that a secret joy welled up in her heart. Even though she had not seen Shen Tinglan before she had a man and a woman, it was also an exciting thing to be admired by Shen Tinglan, one of the three young masters in Gyeonggi Province. Things that make you feel good.

Huangfu Tingyue: "Okay, stop talking nonsense like this. I don't care what happens to Shen Tinglan. I don't care who he likes or doesn't like?"
Shui'er lowered her eyes and responded in a low voice.

Shui'er: "Yes, Miss, it's Shui'er who is in trouble."
The general's mansion.

Shen Ya: "Master, Master."
Shen Ya: "It's time to get ready. We should leave for Prime Minister Huangfu's Mansion soon."
A careless smile appeared on Shen Tinglan's lips. He was dressed in red, his black hair was tied up high by a jade crown of high quality, and his thick eyebrows went straight into his temples like a sharp sword.

Shen Tinglan: "How can I afford to serve the eldest lady of the Huangfu family?"
He lazily used his hand as a pillow to partially cushion his head, holding a piece of green dogtail grass in his mouth. His straight and slender thighs overlapped casually. He was particularly relaxed on this vast grass.

Shen Ya was so anxious that he almost jumped.

Shen Ya: "Master, my good master."
He looked at the bohemian and heroic young man in front of him with a grimace, and cautiously moved forward.

Shen Ya: "Your marriage to Miss Huangfu has been decided since you were a child. I know you don't like Miss Huangfu, but if you don't show up at such an important time today, how can the master and his wife save their face?"
Shen Tinglan raised his eyebrows, and he gently pulled out the dogtail grass in his mouth. He half-squinted one eye and moved his arm, and the green grass drew a perfect arc in the air.

Shen Tinglan: "When I left the capital, Huangfu Tingyue was still young, spoiled and willful, which was overwhelming. After a few years, she is now even worse than before. I can't stand it. I don’t want to marry a tigress and go home and tell my young master what to do every day. I’ll be annoyed just thinking about it.”
It seemed that the chicken feathers after the marriage had appeared in front of his eyes. Shen Tinglan frowned tightly, and the unruly look on his eyebrows also faded a bit, and instead looked a little pitiful.

Shen Ya told him that these words frightened him so much that his legs trembled, and he responded with a pale face.

Shen Ya: "Master, if you don't come to your appointment on time, I'm afraid I will skin you."
Shen Tinglan laughed heartily and was in high spirits.

Shen Tinglan: "Look at how hopeless you are, then I will save your life."
At the feet of the emperor, there is an important place in the capital, and horses are not allowed to ride without permission.It's just that there are policies from the top and countermeasures from the bottom. The young men from official families are really running wild in the streets. As long as they don't make too much trouble, who dares to touch their troubles.

Shen Tinglan disagreed. The Shen family was powerful and had military power, which was enough to make the Holy Emperor heartbroken. He would not leave any clues on such a trivial matter like he had no brains.As the saying goes, "there is order in chaos." Although Shen Tinglan was a little confused, he almost did everything right, big and small.

The carriage, which looked particularly resplendent from the outside, stopped smoothly in front of Huangfu Prime Minister's Mansion.

System 001: "Ruoruo, the target person has arrived."
The reminder of 001 came just in time. Gong Furuo narrowed her eyes and tapped her slender white fingers on the table without rhythm. After a moment, she opened her eyes, and the necessity was written in her pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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