Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 273 37 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 273 37. Borrowing an Orphan
Huangfu Jiang wanted to beg for mercy, but when he came into contact with Huangfu Muji's unemotional gaze, recalling how cold he had been to her over the years, how could he dare to beg for mercy, for fear that such a cruel and unfeeling husband would never see her again? .

In the end, Huangfu Tingyue was half-invited and half-carried back to the boudoir by the eldest girl in Huangfu's house.

When he left, the hatred in his eyes made people's hearts tremble. The two eldest girls on the side couldn't help but shudder. The eldest lady's eyes were too scary, as if she could eat people in the next second.

After all the irrelevant people were cleared out, Huangfu Ting's eyes darkened and he knelt on the ground with a "pop" sound.

Huangfu Muji looked calm and impervious on the surface, but his heart became heavy.

Huangfu Tingzhu said: "Father, although what happened today was caused by Ting Yue's evil deeds first, the human cause was the result of a combination of fate and destiny."
Huangfu Tingzhu: "I want to marry sister Ruo'er."
He spoke sincerely and looked solemn.

Huangfu Muji should have been happy. Gong Furuo's virtue was enough to serve as the future mistress of the Huangfu family. What's more, her innocence being ruined by Ting Yue was also a problem. Huangfu Tingzhu's willingness to marry her was the best solution. It’s law.

But, how could he be happy?
The prime minister, who has been devoid of desire and has kept himself clean for so many years, will taste love for the first time in his life. Will he let it go?

Impossible, even if the opponent is his son.

When Huangfu Tingzhu knelt down, he was [-]% sure.

He knew that at least his father would not object.

Huangfu Mu Ji: "I have kept this matter strictly sealed. No one dares to talk about it, and no one will know about it."
Huangfu Tingzhu suddenly raised his head, his face full of disbelief, indicating that he disagreed.

He originally thought that if Ruoruo might reject him, it wouldn't matter, he would always wait for her, and sincerity would make a difference.

But I never expected that I couldn’t even pass the first level.Huangfu Tingzhu: "Father, why? Don't you like Ruoruo?"
This son really knew how to ask questions and got to the point right away.

I like it, of course I like it. Who doesn’t like Gong Fuluo?But I just like her so much that I have coveted her early on. I have even done all kinds of joyful things in my dreams several times, but I just can’t agree to her because I like her.

But, ginger is still old and spicy.

Huangfu Muji groaned.

Huangfu Muji said: "Every important thing in life must be agreed between you and me. You only care about yourself when begging for mercy. Have you asked the girl if she is willing?"
It's wonderful, it's wonderful, it's high-sounding, high-spirited, and its dark little thoughts that can't be seen by others are not revealed at all.

Huangfu Tingzhu is so ashamed.

He understood how despicable he was in his bones, and after saving Ruoruo, he was secretly happy deep down in his heart. In this case, the chance of being accepted by her and staying with her for the rest of his life became much greater.

However, when he thought that he might become her husband before long, and the person he treasured day and night in his heart would be his wife, he couldn't help but indulge himself in being despicable to the end.

Now that he was exposed, he clearly saw his own darkness, and couldn't help but despise himself in the bottom of his heart. Along with the shame, he also expressed admiration and gratitude to his father. He was worthy of being the prime minister praised by everyone, and he Huangfu Ting Zhu's father was indeed upright, and he woke him up when he allowed himself to be controlled by desire.

Huangfu Tingzhu: "When sister Ruo'er wakes up, I'll ask her what she thinks. No matter what, my son will be responsible."
Ashamed as ashamed, grateful as grateful, he just couldn't let go and gave up. Huangfu Tingzhu was determined and recognized her anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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