Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 275 39 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 275 39. Borrowing an Orphan
How could it be just for today?She was the only desire in his heart as he tossed and turned late at night.

Huangfu Tingzhu didn't want to be misunderstood by her on this matter.

Huangfu Tingzhu: "Sister Ruo'er, from the first moment I saw you, I identified you as my future wife. Regardless of what happened today or not, you are the pearl that I long to cherish in my heart."
How could Gong Furuo not know this? When he was alone with her, his eyes were straight, implying countless feelings, which were so dense that they couldn't be hidden.

But when she raised her head again, there was doubt and shyness on her face. Half of her snowy cheeks were crimson, like the sunset on the snow-capped mountains, which was so beautiful.

Gong Furuo: "You...but me...how come I never knew?"
Who would openly tell the world about love? As soon as she said it, she felt that it was inappropriate. She blushed before she said anything, and the ends of her beautiful eyes were slightly pink.

Huangfu Tingzhu's head became hot, and the thoughts in his heart collapsed with a bang, leaving only the snow-colored cheeks with pink.

Huangfu Tingzhu: "Sister Ruo'er, my love for you can be seen from heaven and earth. I, Huangfu Tingzhu, swear here that if I am lucky enough to marry you as my wife in this life, I will love her more than I cherish, and I will live up to it in this life."
His face was very serious, and the gentleman from Zhilan Yushu also blushed with embarrassment. However, he still made his vow openly and shyly, which was really heart-warming. No wonder he was so popular.

Gong Furuo was stunned for a while, as if hesitating and thinking. During this long wait, Huangfu Tingzhu felt like a believer, waiting patiently for God's judgment. When he gradually became discouraged and felt hopeless, , the girl asked seriously.

Gong Furuo: "I don't love you now, and my love for you may not be as much as one-tenth of yours. Even so, don't you mind?"
do you mind?
Huangfu Pavilion asked himself one by one.

Only a fool would mind?
Being able to get her approval and the opportunity to spend this life with her is the greatest blessing in his life, and it is also what his heart wants. What does he mind?Do you mind if Ruoruo doesn't love him enough?Smart people will only seize opportunities carefully, instead of complaining and being good when they get an advantage.

Huangfu Ting nodded rapidly, knelt down in front of her bed with an expression of surprise, and took her soft little hand without any instruction.

Huangfu Tingzhu: "Ruoruo, it is the greatest blessing in my life that you are willing to marry me. Even if you only love me a little, it is an unexpected surprise."
He said everything sincerely. In his heart, Gong Furuo was no different from a goddess. People in the world loved and respected God but would not force God to love the world. If he was lucky enough to get a favor or two, he would die without regrets.

Gong Furuo's expression was startled. She seemed not to have expected to get such a response. She was a little unable to react. Her confused look was somewhat different from her dignified and generous look in the past. However, Huangfu Ting was overjoyed. He felt that he could I was so happy to see another side of her.

Gong Furuo: "If you don't mind, then I will marry you."
Gong Furuo: "Give me some time. After marriage, I will try my best to fall in love with you as soon as possible and never let down your sincerity for me."
She softened her voice and solemnly promised with a solemn face. Combined with the content of her words, joy and love flooded Huangfu Tingzhu's heart. He couldn't restrain his surging love and reached out to take her into his arms. in his arms.

He thought these were the most touching words today, but who knew that the girl he cared about most looked at him and said seriously.

Gong Furuo: "But brother Tingzhu is so good, I don't need to work hard to fall in love with you, it's a natural thing."
Gong Furuo lay on Huangfu Tingzhu's shoulder, feeling his great joy, he raised the corners of his lips and smiled.

Joy?The happier the better, it will be heartbreaking enough to lose her in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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