Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 280 44 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 280 44. Borrowing an Orphan
After spending a long time planning, Huangfu Muji finally got the right answer. Huangfu Muji smiled with satisfaction without leaving any trace. His smile was hidden behind the tea cup, thinking that he had a chance to win.

Huangfu Muji said: "Well, now that you are old, it is time for you to make the decision on your own marriage."
Huangfu Ting was kicked out, and he even forgot to salute for the first time. Huangfu Muji didn't care. He played with the white porcelain tea cup in his hand and looked at his son's tall back with his faint eyes.

Huangfu Tingzhu is an extremely principled person, and his principles make him have an extremely high level of moral restraint on himself.

Huangfu Ting Zhu said: "Ruo'er."
Gong Furuo looked up at him in response, and saw that his face was frighteningly pale, and he was several times more haggard than when he went there, so he knew what was going on.

Putting down the scripture in his hand, he asked with concern.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Tingzhu, what's going on?"
She was still as beautiful as when they first met, with rosy cheeks and apricot face, like Chang'e in the moon. At this time, her eyes were looking at him intently, and her heart was full of worry and concern. This was the person he had devoted all his emotions to.

However, for the first time, he took a step back and distanced himself from her.

Huangfu Tingzhu: "Ruo'er, I have something to tell you."
Gong Furuo's face was shocked, and his weak eyebrows showed a very hurt look.

Gong Furuo: "Okay."
Gong Furuo: "Are you going to say it here?"
She remained quiet, and even if she was hurt in her heart, she would never show it to others.

Huangfu Ting traced her features carefully with his eyes, which were deep and nostalgic.

Finally took a deep breath.

Huangfu Tingzhu said: "As for my mother's abandonment, the real truth is about your parents."
Gong Furuo: "My parents?"
Gong Furuo: "How can my aunt's matter be related to my parents?"
His thin brows knitted together.Huangfu Tingzhu said: "Both your parents died because my mother gave your mother a poison that could damage a person's name and be passed on to others before she was married."
Her face was not pretty to begin with, and now it turned even more pale.

Gong Furuo: "How could it be? My mother is my aunt's biological sister."
Gong Furuo: "How could she kill my mother?"
Huangfu Tingzhu also didn't understand that a mother's sister should be the closest thing to her. How deep hatred made her mother want to kill her little sister before she was married, and even kill her future husband early on. The plan has arrived, and it is so vicious that it will take his life.

Perhaps only Jiang Cheng himself knows the answer to this question.

Huangfu Tingzhu: "It's about your engagement."
Although he knew in his heart that there would be no room for improvement from now on, he still couldn't help but feel the anticipation in his heart. He was like a death row prisoner waiting to be sentenced. When the final verdict had not yet been pronounced, he had an inappropriate and unrealistic hope in his heart. .

Gong Furuo: "You and me?"
Gong Furuo: "How can you and I treat you?"
She has always had a peaceful temperament, but at this moment she couldn't help but sneer with scarlet eyes.

Huangfu Tingzhu said: "The hatred for killing my father and the hatred for killing my mother are irreconcilable."
Huangfu Tingzhu said: "Why is your mother just abandoned? I, Gong Furuo, will definitely ask her to pay back what she owes me."
How can I repay it? I owe two lives, so I can only repay it with my life.

Huangfu Tingzhu's face turned painful.

Seeing his reluctance to leave his mother, Gong Furuo smiled briefly.

Gong Furuo: "From now on, you and I will never be sworn in. I will ask your mother to sacrifice her life sooner or later to comfort my parents' spirits in heaven."
Gong Furuo: "The engagement is naturally void, and it's just an old dream."
As if a sharp sword hanging above his head finally fell, Huangfu Tingzhu smiled bitterly, knowing that from now on, it would be until death.

(End of this chapter)

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