Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 282 46 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 282 46. Borrowing an Orphan
The situation is very clear. He is deliberately guarding her here. After he visited the boudoir at night and said some incomprehensible words last time, Gong Fuluo didn't have a good impression of him. Coupled with Jiang Cheng's incident, Gong Fuluo couldn't wait to see her. He hurriedly escaped from the carriage.

Gong Furuo: "Lord Huangfu."
She used her words respectfully, but her tone was a little sarcastic.

Huangfu Muji was not annoyed, but smiled with interest. He had never seen her stretch out her claws like a kitten like a kitten, as if she could scratch herself at any time without pain. However, the kitten felt that it was very fierce, which was enough. Intimidating.

Huangfu Muji: "You know the purpose of my appearance here."
Gong Fuluo blushed with anger.

Gong Furuo: "I, an orphan, can't guess what the Prime Minister is thinking. I accidentally got into the wrong sedan. I'm disturbing you. I'll get off right away."
After saying that she was about to leave, Huangfu Muji was unhurried and even had time to smile at her.

Huangfu Muji: "You want to take revenge on Jiang Cheng. She harmed your parents. If she hadn't been discovered earlier, I'm afraid you would have been harmed by now."
Gong Furuo turned around suddenly, his bright and beautiful eyes red with hatred and anger.

Gong Furuo: "So? The Prime Minister clearly knew that his wife was guilty of a lot of crimes, but he just divorced her and went home. He couldn't even do justice. So why bother to talk so much and humiliate me?"
He was still a child after all, no matter how smart and dignified he was, he would inevitably lose his composure, and Huangfu Muji felt a little fond of him.

Huangfu Muji: "I'm here to help you."
Huangfu Muji: "It's just that I am a utilitarian person. Making my wife's affairs public will inevitably have some impact on my reputation. I should get some benefits."
What are the benefits?
He has a high and powerful position, but what benefit does he get? He has to wait for himself to say all these nonsense.

Gong Furuo sneered.

Gong Furuo: "You are right, you are indeed not a gentleman, you will act like a villain."
Huangfu Muji probably had some masochistic tendencies. He didn't get upset at all when he was scolded, and even laughed out loud, which was visibly pleasurable to the naked eye.

Huangfu Muji: "If you are too upright, you can only watch what you want disappear from your hands."
Huangfu Muji: "How upright my son is. He chose to tell you the truth. In exchange, he easily got the marriage annulled and turned against his sweetheart."
Huangfu Muji: "And I, a despicable person, can get a lot of what I want."
He looked at her with a pointed smile.

System 001 was too deeply involved in the drama. For a moment, I felt that my baby Ruoruo was really threatened by such an unscrupulous old man. I was trembling with anger in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and yelling curses.

System 001: "You bitch, I'll electrocute you."
System 001: "Why do you force us like this?"
Gong Furuo could barely maintain the expression of humiliation and hatred on her face. She was distracted and tried to comfort him in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, holding back her laughter.

Gong Furuo: "Yiyi, isn't this part of our plan?"
Only then did System 001 realize that he had made another big mistake. He had no choice but to protect Ruoruo. It was already his instinct. He did not dare to disturb her anymore and quietly hid in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Only then could Gong Furuo continue to perform.

Gong Furuo: "What can you help me with?"
He stroked his chin, knowing victory was within his grasp.

Huangfu Muji: "If you marry me, I will not only destroy her reputation, but also make her live for a life."
Huangfu Muji: "Besides, Jiang Cheng loves me very much, you should know it. You and I got married lovingly, and Zhu Xin can be more revengeful than these."
Gong Fuluo's eyes gradually turned cold.

Gong Furuo: "You are so heartless. You can treat your wife like this for more than ten years. As for me, if I exceed your freshness, I'm afraid I will die with my body intact."
(End of this chapter)

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