Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 286 50 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 286 50. Borrowing an Orphan
It's just that another family moved in. Although Suzuran blushed all afternoon and told everyone she met that the owner next door was very good-looking, no one took her seriously.Lily of the Valley was bought from outside. She is still young. How many people have she met? Maybe she has never seen much of the world.

Until noon, the clanking movements next door stopped. Everyone was amazed for a while. Moving into a new yard is not a trivial matter. Being able to afford such a yard will definitely not be a shallow private property. Is this the end? Their family The servant's hands and feet are so fast.

Not only are their servants quick, but the master is also very generous.

"Knock, knock, knock," the sound of knocking on the door sounded.

The old lady was very considerate, and the people assigned to Gong Furuo were all honest people, most of whom were women, who acted cheaply and normally.

The honest and honest nurse opened the door. He was a little puzzled. This courtyard was a bit secluded. He had not seen anyone since he had lived here for so long.

Opening the wooden door, a pair of master and servant stood outside.

The man in front was dressed in a black robe and looked so majestic that even the nursing staff had to sigh, what a handsome young man.The most rare thing is his bearing, as if everyone should be shorter in front of him. The man is not arrogant, but the nurse touched his head, feeling a little afraid of him.

The servant following him was also wearing dark clothes. It was hard to tell what the material was, but it could be seen that they were of excellent quality. He was half a step behind the man in black clothes, with a respectful posture.

Si Xuli: "Our master and servant just moved here today. We will be neighbors with your master's family in the future, so Li took the liberty of visiting."
He gave way, and the servant behind him handed over a red lacquered wooden box. It was very delicate. I had seen the logo on it. The pastries in Tianxiang Tower were hard to find. I don’t know how many servants of wealthy families lined up every day. Waiting to buy one for the owner.

The nursing home groaned. It stands to reason that he was so polite and well-mannered. He should have reported to the master and invited the person in according to the master's instructions. However...the master of their house was a girl who had not yet left the palace, so he left a Mind-eye, vaguely authentic.

Toolman: "We are all neighbors, why should we be so polite? It is also unfortunate that our master's family is very worried about the affairs in the house today, so I will just go and report it."
Si Xuli looked at his calm back and nodded secretly. This silly big man was quite rough but also delicate.

Toolman: "Sir, I wonder if I can see this "master" today?"
Si Xuli glanced sideways at him and unfolded his folding fan.The ink landscape painting on the snow-white fan is extremely exquisite. The river flows to the distant mountains, giving it a hazy and beautiful artistic conception.

When Gong Furuo got the news, he pursed his lips and smiled.

Toolman: "Miss, what do you think?"
Suzuran secretly rolled her eyes at him, disdainful of his dullness, was there any need to ask?It must be invisible.

Sure enough, after Gong Furuo took a sip of tea, he smiled and shook his head gently.

Gong Furuo: "It's inconvenient to see guests."
Hu Yuan nodded in understanding and fisted his fist. Fortunately, he had just laid the groundwork, so others wouldn't be surprised.

Toolman: "What about their snacks?"
he asked respectfully.

Gong Furuo put down the tea cup and picked up a dried apricot.

Gong Furuo: "Linglan happened to buy preserved fruits from Tianxianglou for me yesterday. You can decorate them, and also wrap the new Emei tea I brought as a gift in return."
Gong Furuo: "Thank you for your hard work this time."
The guardian shook his head in flattery.

Toolman: "This is all my responsibility."
After everyone left, System 001, who had been watching, spoke up.

System 001: "Ruoruo, I know, this is called playing hard to get, right?"
He has been following Gong Furuo for a long time, and he can see a little bit about human emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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