Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 289 53 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 289 53. Borrowing an Orphan
This conversation actually ended with Lan Ling's reminder.Gong Furuo was born with lingering poisons in her mother's womb and was born weak, so many medicinal decoctions were unavoidable. This also led to her often looking pale, and occasionally applying some powder and rouge to fake a good complexion.

Lan Ling's mind was simple, and she had only been here for a short period of time, so she didn't know much about the inside story. Therefore, she was particularly optimistic about the affairs between her young lady and the handsome and extraordinary man next door, and she wanted to try her best to bring them together.But no matter how optimistic she was, in her heart, the health of her young lady was the most important thing.

Qiu Yan: "Miss, it's time to take medicine."
Qiu Yan: "But it's rare to see you looking so happy."
Gong Furuo is a very self-satisfied person, and what she said is purely nonsense, trying to give the young man opposite him some sweet dates.

Gong Furuo glanced at her with a smile, his eyes were bright and clear, and Lan Ling felt a little guilty.

Qiu Yan: "Miss, I have prepared Tianxianglou's preserves for you, including apricot preserves and sour plum seeds. You can no longer dislike the bitterness of the medicine and deliberately delay time."
This dynasty valued both civil and military affairs. Si Xuli, who was trained as a prince, was naturally good at both civil and military affairs. All the conversations on the other end were clearly transmitted to his ears.

He touched his nose, a smile overflowing from the corners of his eyes and brows.

Then he frowned tightly, his eyes full of worry.

Gong Furuo: "Master, I still have some things to do, so I'll leave first."
Si Xuli responded quickly with a complex expression of worry and affection.

Si Xuli: "You're welcome, Miss. Since it is an important matter, we must not delay it."
Soft footsteps sounded, and the sound was a bit messy, but he accurately captured the more regular and softer sound.

Really weak.

His frown deepened.

Si Xuli: "Yi Feng, pack up and let's go back to the palace."
Yi Feng is the confidant he brought.

After hearing his words, I was so happy that I thought my master had finally figured it out.That's how it is. It's really outrageous for a prince to leave the East Palace alone and go out of his way to hide it from everyone for a woman. It's not the master's usual behavior.Just think about it, no matter how heavenly a woman is, she doesn't deserve to be like this.

He grinned, very positive.

Yi Feng: "Yes, I'll pack up Xinruan right now."
Si Xuli saw what he was thinking and kicked him on the buttocks, not hard, but with a warning.

Si Xuli: "Pack up any valuables and prepare the carriage and horses."
Si Xuli: "Also, don't try to figure out Gu's thoughts in the future."
Yi Feng received a kick and nodded repeatedly with a grimace.

Yi Feng: "Yes, Your Highness, I realize my mistake. Now go and prepare the carriage and horses."
The carriage, which was low-key on the outside and luxurious and comfortable on the inside, drove out of the house and saw it heading towards the most respected and feared place in the world.

Si Xuli hurriedly took the treasures of heaven and earth in his private treasury and was about to go back. He happened to receive an oral instruction from the emperor, ordering him to go to the imperial study room to test the lessons of his younger brothers. He put down the medicinal materials with a serious face, and when he went out, he saw There was already an admiring smile on her face.

Emperor Wen: "You bastards, you do nothing but misbehave on weekdays, and you don't even do your homework properly. When your prince brother was as old as you, he was already good at both civil and military affairs."
As soon as he arrived at the door of the imperial study, he heard Emperor Wen's angry scolding.

Si Xuli: "I have met my father."
Emperor Wen raised his eyelids, glanced at him, and smiled.

Si Xuli: "Here he comes."
His tone was full of pride and love.

Si Xuli took a step forward and looked at him with admiring eyes, very close to him.

(End of this chapter)

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