Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 297 61 Borrowing an Orphan

Chapter 297 61. Borrowing an Orphan
Shen Tinglan knew that something was wrong, but he never expected such a development. When he heard about the engagement, his eyes darkened, and soon the dark light disappeared. After all, he was the successor of the General's Mansion, honing his skills on the battlefield. For a person who has been around for a long time, frowning like this is really scary.

Shen Tinglan came back to her senses, glanced at Shen Yang appreciatively, and then led Shen Yang to bid farewell to Huangfu Ting indifferently.

Huangfu Ting stayed where he was and looked at the majestic backs of their master and servant. Monk Zhanger couldn't figure out how someone as cunning and profound as Huangfu Muji could have raised such a glorious son.

After Shen Tinglan left Huangfu's Mansion, he was more or less losing his temper and couldn't wait to return to Shen's Mansion.

It was as if his father, Shen Ya, had grown up in the study. A man who was used to holding a broadsword in both hands picked up a pen and ink to polish it in style.

Shen Tinglan knew his habits and was not so rigid. He respected and trusted his father. When he encountered something that he found difficult to solve, he would just ask him for help.

Shen Tinglan didn't have a steady temper, but he rarely rushed to the study room in a hurry. After all, there weren't many things that he found difficult to solve. Shen Ya put down the langhao pen in his hand and raised his eyes to look. His tone was calm, and there was no hint of emotion or anger.

Shen Ya: "What's the matter?"
Shen Tinglan smiled shamelessly.

Shen Tinglan: "It's a big deal, it's related to your son's happiness."
Shen Tinglan: "Dad, your son has a sweetheart. That girl is very nice and his son likes her very much."
Shen Ya's expression did not change, he remained calm. Even though he kept claiming that the son he loved was engaged to be married, his expression did not change at all. Perhaps it was because they were all obsessed with the absurdity of this engagement. You know it well.

Shen Ya: "This matter has something to do with that girl, right? Can't we settle it?"
Shen Ya: "Tell me, dad, help you."
Shen Ya considers himself an enlightened father.

Shen Tinglan smiled and spoke almost immediately.

Shen Tinglan: "Dad, you must have heard of that girl, Gong Fuluo."
Shen Tinglan: "When she was young, she followed her grandfather to the border of our desert. I remember you hugged her. At that time, you praised her for being smart as ice and snow."
Shen Ya was impressed and raised his eyebrows in surprise. Looking at his son who looked particularly gentle, he laughed softly.

Shen Ya: "That girl is really good."
Shen Ya: "Why, something happened to her?"
He had a good impression of Gong Furuo, and since he was the person his son liked, he naturally loved Gong Furuo.

Shen Tinglan: "She previously went to seek refuge with her aunt, Mrs. Huangfu, but Shen Yang found out that for some reason, Mrs. Huangfu was divorced and went home, so she also moved out of Huangfu Mansion, and her whereabouts are unknown."
Shen Tinglan: "I was thinking, please do me a favor, help my son check her whereabouts, and also investigate, what happened in the middle?"
Shen Ya nodded simply and agreed to his request. Then he looked at him and thanked him with a smile on his face, reaching out his hand to caress the top of his head tenderly.

Shen Ya: "In two days, it will be the memorial day of your second uncle and second aunt. Don't forget to follow me to worship at their graves, and then kowtow to them."
Shen Tinglan also agreed simply. On the memorial day of his second uncle and second aunt, his father was always very solemn and serious, and he paid special attention to it.

Shen Ya looked at his increasingly handsome face and felt a little tight for some reason. He waved his hand and told him to go back.

Shen Tinglan was tall, with deep features and unruly eyebrows. To put it into detail, he looked similar but not very similar to the steady and serious Shen Ya, but he was unaware of it.

(End of this chapter)

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