Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 32 32 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 32 32. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

Gong Fuli quietly raised her head and looked in the direction of the sound. The angle was really not good. She could only see the man's back, but she didn't dare to move casually for fear of being discovered, so she could only stay like this. He carefully grasped the tree trunk, his eyes unblinking, for fear of missing his face.

It wasn't until the man leaned over and kissed Gong Fuluo that she saw his face clearly.Sword-shaped eyebrows and deep pupils, a straight nose and thin lips, and a cold temperament - Qi Helian, the prince of Western Wei!How could it be him? Gong Frye's fingertips gripped the trunk of the tree hard, blood oozing out slightly, and she gritted her teeth.

She originally thought that she could use this incident to ruin Gong Furuo's reputation, but why was it him? No, she couldn't tell it, otherwise it would only make things easier for the two of them. Gong Furuo couldn't marry Qi Helian, and Qi Helian couldn't. She must not marry anyone except her, Gong Fry.

She watched with helpless eyes his lingering movements, his gentle eyes as he clasped the back of Gong Fuluo's head and kissed her deeply. She listened to Gong Fuluo's thin breathing, and occasionally called Brother Lian as if begging for mercy.

In the end, the two of them left hand in hand, and Gong Fuli finally couldn't hold it anymore and slumped to the ground.

Gong Fuli: "Qi Helian, can you be so gentle? How ridiculous. I thought you were indifferent to me just because of your temperament."
Gong Fuli: "Hahahaha, hahaha"
Scenes of getting along with Qi Helian flashed through Gong Fuli's mind. She even doubted that the Qi Helian in her memory was really the same person just now.
Gong Fu Ruo: "What a Gong Fu Ruo, it's time for us to have a break."
Gong Fuli: "As long as Gong Fuluo is gone, He Lian will fall in love with me, and his heart will be open to me."
The night was vast, the shadows of the trees were dancing, and the imperial garden was empty at the moment. She was the only one crying and talking to herself in a low voice. After a long time, she stood up slowly holding on to the tree trunk, wiped away the tears on her cheeks with a handkerchief, and sorted them out. He put on his clothes, put on a strange smile on his lips, and went back to Oriole Pavilion.

When the mantis stalks the cicada, have you ever thought that the oriole is behind?

System 001: "Ruoruo, now you have successfully let Gong Fuli know about you and Qi Helian, she will definitely take action."
System 001's cold mechanical voice was filled with concern.

Gong Furuo: "Xiao Yi, the Southern Jin Palace has been silent for too long. I really can't wait any longer."
Use System 001 to disturb Gong Fuli's sleep, and then lead her step by step near the rock. Although Gong Fuli has been severely suppressed over the years, she is not completely defenseless. At least, she is There is something good.This time, he would completely force out her trump card and make her disappear in front of him.Gong Furuo's smile was full of malice, like an alluring and dangerous poppy.

In the Oriole Pavilion, Gong Fuli anxiously took out a small box from an inconspicuous large wooden box in the corner of the inner hall.This small box has simple patterns and bright colors. You can tell that it is not ordinary.

Emperor Jin and Empress Jin once took the three brothers and sisters out of the palace to play once when they were young. At that time, Emperor Jin and Empress Jin were more fond of Gong Furuo, but they were still kind to her.

With a smile on his face, Gong Fry's memory returned to that night when he was a child.

The family of five wore folk clothes and used folk names. The gongs and drums on the street were noisy, but the too noisy sound made Gong Furuo suffer a sudden heart attack.

Gong Furuo: "Father, mother, Ruoer's heart hurts."
Emperor Jin: "Ruo'er, take this medicine quickly."
Gong Fuli didn't know how to hide his emotions when he was young. Seeing everyone's eyes focused on Gong Fuluo, his heart felt sour and unbearable. In a fit of anger, an inappropriate thought appeared in his mind: If something happens to me, what will happen to them? Will you pay attention to me like this?
(End of this chapter)

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