Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 35 35 Twin Princesses: Green Tea Sister

Chapter 35 35. Twin Princess: Green Tea Sister

The news that Gong Furuo was injured soon reached the ears of Jinhuang and others, and they rushed over in a hurry. Even though Qi Helian and others were anxious, they did not dare to act rashly. After all, the teacher was out of nowhere.

Gong Chelang: "Ruo'er, how's your arm?"
The imperial doctor had already come once. In fact, the injury was not serious. It was just that her skin was too delicate and fair, and the blood was not flowing at the time, which made it look shocking.The most important thing is that the Gu insects produced by the system can be detected so easily.

Gong Furuo: "The imperial doctor has already bandaged me and said it doesn't matter. As long as I take good care of it, I can recover as before."
Gong Furuo has always been a delicate person who is afraid of pain. Although the system has tried its best to minimize the pain for her, she is still pale.

Gong Chelang: "I heard that it was Gong Fuli who pushed you down?"
Gong Furuo: "Brother, my sister didn't do it on purpose, and she didn't stand firm either."
Gong Chelang rarely turned cold to her. He didn't believe her words at all. Just when he was about to ask again, a servant informed him that Emperor Jin and his queen were here.

Emperor Jin: "Ruo'er"
Queen Jin: "My poor Ruo'er, how is your arm?"
After all, Gong Chelang was a martial arts practitioner, and because he was young and strong, he came to Qingluan Pavilion early. Compared with him, Emperor Jin and Queen Jin were much slower, and they arrived late.

Gong Furuo gave a gentle smile, her beautifully shaped lips had no color at all, and her face looked deficient.Just as she was about to speak, Queen Jin hugged her and cried out.

Queen Jin: "Why do you look so bad? What did the imperial doctor say? There won't be any scars, right?"
The Queen of Jin is a woman and understands the seriousness of scars on her body better than the two rough guys. Although she is already the mother of several children, she is still as delicate as a girl because her life has been going well these years.Now weeping silently like this, Emperor Jin was even more at a loss, not knowing which one to comfort.

Gong Furuo put his hands on Jin Hou's slender waist, buried his head in her neck dependently, and comforted her softly.

Gong Furuo: "Mother, the imperial doctor said there will be no scars, and it only looks serious, nothing serious."
Queen Jin: "Seriously?"
Gong Furuo: "Mother, even if you don't believe in the medical skills of the imperial physician, don't you believe in your daughter's words?"
Only then did the Queen of Jin break her tears into a smile, and wiped away her tears in embarrassment.

Queen Jin: "That's good, that's good?"
Emperor Jin was also relieved. He was always wise and asked Gong Furuo to the point.

Emperor Jin: "Where is your sister? Why didn't she come to see you when you were injured? I heard from the eunuch that she was there at that time."
Gong Chelang sneered, his words cold.

Gong Chelang: "My father didn't know something. Not only was she present, but she was also the one who recommended Ruo'er."
The faces of Emperor Jin and Queen Jin all changed. For a moment, the originally harmonious and harmonious atmosphere of Qingluan Pavilion became extremely depressed.Gong Furuo looked at their faces and carefully defended her.

Gong Furuo: "My sister tripped and fell. She did it unintentionally."
Queen Jin sighed, held her in his arms, gently stroked her slender back, and remained silent.

Emperor Jin: "Bring Fry..."
The Queen of Jin hurriedly winked at the Emperor of Jin. Only then did the Emperor of Jin react and secretly regretted that if he asked her to come now, Ruo'er would definitely protect her. It was useless, so he took back his words and stopped talking.

Because Gong Furuo was injured, he coquettishly asked the Queen of Jin to eat the lotus leaf pheasant soup she made. It was rare for the Queen of Jin to cook in person, and the family of four happily had dinner at Qingluan Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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