Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 352 24 White Moonlight

Chapter 352 24. White Moonlight

Gong Furuo looked at his expression, smiled brightly, looked directly into his eyes and joked.

Gong Furuo: "You're not unhappy, you're just jealous again, right?"
Pei Jingxing looked at the joking expression in her clear apricot eyes, covered her eyes, and spoke in a deep voice to scare her.

Pei Jingxing: "Yeah, I'm jealous, what should I do?"
Gong Furuo's thick eyelashes kept blinking under his palm, and Pei Jingxing felt a butterfly resting on his palm.

Gong Furuo: "Then I'll coax you."
He couldn't help but let go of his hands, Gong Furuo's eyes were filled with smiles.

Pei Jingxing: "How are you going to coax me?"
Gong Furuo caressed his cheek and pinched it maliciously when he wasn't paying attention.

Gong Furuo: "That's how I coax you."
Pei Jingxing had a strong aura and looked invincible on weekdays, but at this moment he had completely transformed into an extremely soft man.

At the same time, in country A, due to the time difference, it is already night in country A at this moment. The night in Country A is extremely dark and cold, and a power purge is taking place inside a magnificent mansion.

Tool Man: "You traitor, how dare you? How dare you?"
Lin Chu was dressed in a white Tang suit, with slender eyebrows, delicate features and a face like a good girl, but not at all feminine. She had a face like a Bodhisattva, with a bit of compassion in nature, but her eyes were as cold as iron.

He turned the jasper ring on his thumb and looked at his father and all his nominal relatives who were cursing with hatred in his eyes. He looked calm, waved his hand, and a group of people were dragged out of the mansion. From then on, the Lin family There are really only two legitimate flesh and blood, Lin Lo and Lin Yu.

Thinking of Lin Yu, Lin Bo looked at the people around him with a smile.

Toolman: "Everything has been collected and is now on the desk in your study room No. [-]."
Lin Ye nodded, but his smiling eyes showed no emotion at all.Lin Bo: "Ruoruo over there..."
He hesitated for a moment, remembering the promise he had made to her, and calmed down his restless heart again, waved his hand and told people to go back.

Lin Bo once promised Gong Furuo not to pry into her life.He has never been a noble and upright person, but when facing Gong Furuo, he always subconsciously becomes a gentleman like his appearance.

The Lin family in country A is now considered a behemoth.Since Lin Lo came to power, the Lin family has developed by leaps and bounds based on its original foundation, until now, it has reached a position that no one can shake.It's just that it's always embarrassing to talk about. It's obvious that the two serious young masters of the Lin family are the best among men, but the former master of the Lin family is obsessed with favoring the illegitimate son.

Lin Chu: "Ruoruo, you don't have to worry anymore, he can never stretch out his hand again."
Lin Ye's voice on the other end of the phone was calm, and Gong Furuo seemed to be able to see the corners of his mouth curling up slightly, looking gentle and harmless.

The old man who fought with the Lin brothers was completely defeated.Gong Furuo quickly understood the news.

Lin Bo: "Ruoruo, come back."
Lin Bo: "Come back to the Lin family. You and your children will live happily in the Lin family."
Gong Furuo didn't hesitate too much, she softly rejected him with a tenderness that made Lin Chu particularly uneasy.

Gong Furuo: "I have no plans to go to country A for the time being. I think there is a high probability that I will stay and settle in China."
Lin Chu's perfect façade of being as indifferent as a Bodhisattva finally showed cracks, and he frowned.

Lin Chu: "Ruoruo, I'm not worried about you being alone in the country."
Gong Furuo was amused by his concern almost instantly.

Gong Furuo: "Have you forgotten that my last name is Gong?"
The headquarters of the Gong family is in Shengcheng. It is only because of the complicated situation of the Lin family in Country A and she has too many difficulties and secrets that she has concealed her whereabouts until now.

(End of this chapter)

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