Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 367 39 White Moonlight

Chapter 367 39. White Moonlight

Lin Ye looked stunned, as if he was shocked by the words he heard. He approached Gong Furuo for the first time, and took her away when she was in a state of confusion. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, his foot crushed the white rose. Above, the white rose was completely trampled until it lost its original beauty.

Just like, under Lin Lo's terrible control, one lost love after another.

Gong Fuluo's red eyes looked very similar to Qiu Yan's, but Qiu Yan's appearance made Lin Huo feel indifferent in his eyes, but the look of Gong Fuluo's red eyes made him love and pity him.

He gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Lin Ye: "Don't cry. I am Ah Yu's brother, and I am also your brother. I will not favor him. But who knows whether what Qiu Yan said is true or not? Maybe she has a crush on Ah Yu and is crazy. Illness. Or maybe Ah Yu had something unspeakable at the time. You still have Ah Yu's child in your belly, and you have been worrying about him for more than half a year. Don't make yourself angry at this time."
They chatted over tea, deliberately saying things that were specious and misleading, while reminding Gong Furuo that during the days when she was worried about him, he was having an affair with other women.

Gong Furuo: "Ah Yu was conscious at first, and then fell into a coma after being chased. Then why didn't he come to us? All of us were kept in the dark by him."
If Lin Ye hadn't stepped in at this moment and left Gong Furuo to think on her own, she would have more trust in Lin Xuan than suspicion.But Lin Bo knew how to speak well and was as cunning as a fox. How could Gong Furuo be his opponent?
Gong Furuo is also very beautiful when she cries, the pear blossoms are raining, and she is so pitiful.She cried very quietly, shedding tears quietly and hiccupping quietly.

Gong Furuo: "I want to wait until Lin Xuan wakes up and tell me personally what happened."
She wiped away the tears herself, her eyes firm.

Lin Ye sighed inwardly, but his eyes looking at her became softer and softer.

Her stubborn temper added some twists and turns to Lin Chao's plan, but Lin Chao looked at her and smiled to himself. She has always been like this and has never changed.

Lin Lo: "Okay, let's wait for him to wake up together."
Lin Ye squinted his eyes and glanced at the red rope that had surrounded him so far. He still had to think of another way, and he sighed inwardly.

When Gong Fuluo gathered his emotions and went back, Qiu Yan looked up at her in panic. There was a red mark at the corner of Gong Fuluo's eyes. Her innocent and beautiful face became particularly coquettish under the red mark. .

Qiu Yan glanced at her and felt weak for no reason. He didn't dare to look again. His quiet eyes were lowered and he couldn't see her expression clearly.

Gong Furuo: "Ah, can you go out for a while? I have something I want to talk to Miss Qiu alone."
Lin Bo's eyes paused vaguely on Qiu Yan for a moment, and then nodded. The door he closed when he stepped out of the ward created a closed and private space for this clean ward. Gong Furuo touched her Qiu Yan's eyes were also focused on her belly. She looked at it blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Gong Furuo: "Miss Qiu"
Gong Furuo's voice was soft and naturally had a sweet flavor. Three simple words were enough to tug at people's heartstrings.

Qiu Yan: "Just call me Qiu Yan."
She emphasized in a calm tone that Gong Furuo was doing well.

Gong Furuo: "Qiu Yan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you, but with all due respect, you and my husband Lin Yu..."
(End of this chapter)

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