Quick wear: She is the heartthrob

Chapter 370 42 White Moonlight

Chapter 370 42. White Moonlight

Lin Yu doesn't have a fragile character, but when facing this brother whom he trusts as his spiritual support, he always relies on him a little more.What's more, in his heart, and even in the hearts of everyone, Lin Bo was an omnipotent god-like figure.

However, Lin Lo was destined to disappoint him.

Lin Chu: "I can't help you. You know, I know nothing about emotional matters. But based on my logical judgment, as your brother, I suggest you give Ruoruo more time so that she can calm down." , don't disturb her too much. She is at a critical moment now. If you make her angry and disturb the child, there is really no way to recover."
Lin Yu nodded thoughtfully, looking like he had been taught something.

Lin Yu's leaving figure was very bleak. He was rarely as lonely as he was now. Lin Yu narrowed his eyes, looked away for a long time, and stopped looking.

Gong Furuo left very decisively. She was such a decisive person originally, with a clear distinction between love and hate.

Gong Furuo hugged her knees and sat on a sun lounger by the sea. The sea breeze in the evening was strong, blowing up her skirt and messing up her hair.

Lin Chu stands tall and tall in the whistling sea breeze.He put a shawl on her gently and naturally, as if he had rehearsed it in his mind eleven thousand times.Gong Furuo smelled the unique fragrance of his body and tightened his shawl.

Gong Furuo: "Why are you here?"
Lin Lo smiled helplessly.

Lin Lo: "What's wrong? Even I'm not welcome anymore?"
Gong Furuo pursed his lips and shook his head, but said nothing.Lin Bo saw this and sat next to her.

Lin Bo: "You seem to be particularly unhappy today."
Gong Furuo wrinkled his nose in a coquettish manner.

Gong Furuo: "You know again?"
Lin Ye's voice was very calm and seemed to have no emotional ups and downs, but if you listen carefully, you can find the tenderness hidden in his tone.

Lin Bo: "I guessed it right, why are you so unhappy today?"
Gong Furuo calmed down his mind in the cool fragrance of Sanskrit.Gong Furuo: "My love life is in a mess, which makes me very depressed."
Lin Chu turned his head to look at her. Under the shadow of the sunset on the beach, her eyebrows became more and more beautiful and lively.

Lin Lo: "It will be fine."
Lin Ye said these three words very firmly, and he was indeed so convinced.The current relationship dilemma is because she has the wrong person around her, so if she puts everything out of order and replaces it with the right person, things will naturally get better.

Gong Fuluo's eyes were as bright as pearls, even if they were filled with melancholy, they were still attractive enough.

Lin Bo set a special reminder for the actions of those in Shengcheng. When his phone vibrated, he glanced at it casually, with a mocking smile on his lips.

He looked at Gong Fuluo intently and made up his mind.Since they are chasing after them, let's hold them down completely.

Lin Lo has been planning and preparing for too long. He has been waiting day and night, so no matter who stands in front of him, Lin Lo will eliminate it without hesitation.

At this time, the sea surface was rough, and huge waves crashed on the shore with a powerful momentum.

Gong Furuo's face was buried in her shawl, and her palm-sized face became more and more exquisite and beautiful. She raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and looked at the sea quietly. System 001 was jealous in the sea of ​​consciousness.

System 001: "Ruoruo, you treat him very differently, better than others."
Gong Furuo Shihai's voice in response to him was soft and delicate, naturally and skillfully soothing.

Gong Furuo: "Be good, you are the only one I like most."
(End of this chapter)

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