Chapter 384
Zhou Qinhan gritted his teeth and was always defensive when looking at Shi Jieyu.

But Gong Furuo was stupid, too kind and naive, and she often mentioned Shi Jiyu in front of her, with a lot of intimacy in her words. Zhou Qinhan thought about it a lot, and finally gently took Gong Furuo's arm.

Zhou Qinhan: "Okay, then you can join us at noon."
Gong Furuo was indeed happy. When she smiled, her eyes slightly curved, and when the tail of her eyes slightly raised, she was sweeter than usual, very seductive.

Fang Yu came back just in time and handed her a bottle of warm milk with a smile on her face. It was Gong Furuo's favorite brand.

Gong Furuo: "Thank you Fang Yu."
Here she comes again, another smile that can enchant everyone. When she smiles, no one can hold her back.

At noon, Shi Jiyu sat across from Gong Furuo awkwardly. She did not expect that the food placed in front of her was exquisite and delicious.

Zhou Qinhan was sitting next to Gong Fuluo, in an intimate manner.

She slowly took a look at Shi Jieyu's face and seemed to find nothing, so she said with a smile.

Zhou Qinhan: "Isn't it beautiful here?"
She was talking about the independent dining room they were in now. Although this room was small, it was very luxuriously decorated. .

Zhou Qinhan: "This is Ruoruo's special dining room, and the decoration inside is all taken care of by my brother and the others themselves."
Zhou Qinhan is very measured. In front of Gong Furuo, her tone of voice is soft, and it sounds like she is sharing interesting things with friends. But if you listen carefully, you can feel that there is a bit of thorn in her words.

She was being cunning and only mentioned Zhou Tanhang, intending to gain favor for him again.

Shi Jiyu has matured a lot after all. No matter what she thinks in her heart, her expression does not change after hearing this, and Zhou Qinhan narrows his eyes.

Zhou Qinhan: "When Gong Furuo saw this, he quickly made room for Zhou Qinhan so that Zhou Qinhan could take action, so that he wouldn't have to dirty his hands."
Gong Furuo: "I'm going to the bathroom."
Zhou Qinhan: "When I just came up, I saw the restaurant on the first floor. That's where poor students like you eat. The hall on the second floor is where we eat. But if it's different, as soon as she entered school, she After receiving feedback from all the students in the school, I got my own dining room to avoid being disturbed by unsightly people."
Her tone was still soft, but she looked at Shi Jieyu when she said the words "not long-sighted". However, although her words were uncomfortable, she couldn't fault her.

It is hard to imagine that Zhou Qinhan, who is usually carefree and straightforward, has such an aggressive side. All we can say is, after all, he is a child of the Zhou family, how could he be so simple?
As expected, Shi Jiyu's eyes turned red, and Zhou Qinhan's intended intention was already obvious.

When Gong Furuo came back, he saw that the atmosphere was strange. Shi Jiyu lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. He smiled and sat next to Zhou Qinhan.

Gong Furuo: "What's wrong? The atmosphere is a bit strange?"
Zhou Qinhan smiled heartily and waved his hand carelessly.

Zhou Qinhan: "Hey, I just introduced the school's dining situation."
Gong Fuluo nodded, believing such words easily. She was a simple and innocent Gong Fuluo with high IQ and thoughtfulness.

Gong Furuo: "Then let's have dinner."
Gong Furuo: "Yuyu, try the pan-fried cod. I remember you love fish."
Zhou Qinhan frowned and looked at Shi Jieyu, somewhat displeased.The next second, Gong Furuo put her favorite shrimp sliders into her bowl, and smiled at her. The level of intimacy was immediately apparent. Zhou Qinhan felt so soft, looking at her carefree. He smiled thoughtfully, and his protective feelings became even higher.

(End of this chapter)

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