Chapter 389
Zhang Mu: "Jieyu, why are you standing still?"
Shijiyu responded subconsciously. In front of the adoptive parents, she had always been a well-behaved and sensible person.

Shi Jieyu: "Hey, here we come."
Zhang's mother: "That little girl is so good-looking."
Shi Aiyu followed her gaze and his pupils flashed.

It's Gong Furuo. She is still wearing the school uniform she wore on campus today. She wears a white shirt with a vest with the school badge on it. She wears a gray pleated midi skirt with white and thin legs.

Father Zhang glanced briefly, obviously also noticed her clothes, and smiled kindly.

Father Zhang: "I must be a student of your school. That school uniform looks exactly like yours."
Shi Jiyu nodded and echoed in a voice as thin as a mosquito.

Mother Zhang: "Do you know her?"
Mother Zhang glanced at Gong Furuo who was standing on the other side of the road with a smile. Her long hair was slightly raised in the night breeze.Zhang's mother obviously has a good impression of Gong Furuo, which is normal. She is a beauty-controlling girl who likes girls with pink and jade designs best. This is why she picked Shi Jieyu at a glance at the Sunshine Orphanage.For some unknown reason, Shi Jieyu shook her head silently, and in a rare moment she urged Zhang's father and Zhang's mother.

Shijiyu: "Let's go quickly, it looks better in front."
Zhang's mother nodded and continued walking along the original path. Shi Jiyu turned her head and looked at Gong Furuo. There were two tall men standing beside her. Although she could only see their backs, she could still see It turned out to be an extraordinary person.Gong Furuo smiled like a flower and talked to them very intimately. Her heart twitched with familiarity. When she recovered, she withdrew her gaze and continued to follow her adoptive parents quietly.

Lan Henian: "Let's go. It's getting late. You have to go to class tomorrow. It's time to go home and sleep now."
Lan Henian touched the top of her hair.

Zhou Tanhang: "He Nian is really a good brother."
Lan Henian smiled and said nothing, but gave him a meaningful look.

Gong Furuo: "Okay, let's go."
Zhou Tanhang watched her elegantly get into Lan Henian's car, his eyes deepened. When the car started, Gong Furuo opened the window, leaned by the window and looked at him with a gentle smile. Of course, he also There is Zhou Qinhan beside him.

Gong Furuo: "Brother Qin Han, goodbye Qin Han!"
Zhou Tanhang raised the corners of his mouth, becoming more and more handsome, and waved his hand.Zhou Tanhang: "Goodbye Ruoruo."
When the car was getting further and further away, he took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, and the dots of firelight lit up.

Zhou Qinhan: "Brother, why are you still smoking?"
Zhou Qinhan rolled her eyes at him and received a piece of love from him.


Shijiyu came very early today. She barely slept well last night. For some reason, as soon as she closed her eyes, the interaction between Gong Furuo and the two tall men flashed through her mind repeatedly. When she got up in the morning, her There are some black and blue marks on the eye circles.

But even if she came so early, there were people who were earlier than her.

Some abusive words were written randomly on her desk with a red oil-based pen, which made Tokiyu's brain, which was already buzzing and aching due to lack of sleep, even more uncomfortable.

Shi Jieyu thought for a moment, took a picture of the scary red characters on the table, then sat quietly in front of the table, took out a napkin and wiped it clean carefully.

Fortunately, she dealt with it very quickly. Before anyone came, everything had returned to calm, as if nothing happened. Tokiyoyu breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to be attacked by someone who was full of malice towards her. People gathered around to watch the joke.

(End of this chapter)

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