Chapter 406
Her smiling eyes were very gentle, and her unavoidable gaze was very helpful to Dong Huan. Dong Huan liked the way she put all her attention on him.He simply put down the tableware and looked at her from a short distance away. The beautiful girl and the handsome boy looked at each other with smiles.

Shi Jieyu glanced at it and then looked away.The silver tableware was clean and bright, vaguely revealing her face.There were traces of jealousy on his delicate face. Shi Jieyu was startled and quickly adjusted his expression.

Zhou Qinhan frowned and thought for a moment, then joined the conversation between the two in a natural tone, successfully breaking the scene.

Shijiyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Dong Huan's arrival didn't seem to change anything, but it also seemed to have changed a lot.

Shi Jiyu became more and more silent. Sometimes she would be frighteningly quiet unless necessary.

At the same time, terrible attacks happened around her.


Shijiyu: "Who can help me?"
In the sports equipment room, Shi Jieyu's hair was messy and her eyes were red. She slapped the door of the equipment room vigorously, but the only response she received was a dull and terrifying sound of banging between the door and the corner, without a single human word.

Shi Jieyu: "Dong Huan, Dong Huan"
Shi Jieyu couldn't help calling Dong Huan's name.Perhaps it is because when people are in danger, their truest thoughts will be completely exposed.

Shijiu was flustered for a while, and then quickly realized what she was doing. She carried a small mobile phone with her, but because she fell asleep last night, she forgot to charge her mobile phone. When she woke up in the morning, she hurriedly charged the phone. Without a charging device, the phone is basically out of power at the moment.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and without much hesitation, dialed the phone to Dong Huan.

Dong Huan has always been the big brother she trusted most when she was in Sunshine Orphanage.

The call went through quickly.Dong Huan: "Hello?"
His voice was low and even more magnetic, with a little sex appeal as it flowed along with the current.

Shijiyu clenched his cell phone.

Shi Jieyu: "Dong Huan, I am now..."
Gong Furuo: "Ah!"
An exclamation rang in her ears, and through the phone, she could tell that the clear and melodious tone was Gong Furuo's voice.

The call was quickly hung up, and there was no sound from her cell phone.

Shi Jieyu didn't want to waste time. She wanted to make another call, but her phone was turned off because there was no power. She was stunned for a moment, not knowing what she was thinking. When she came back to her senses, her eyes were already red. .


Dong Huan: "Ruoruo, are you okay?"
Dong Huan: "Put your feet out and let me see."
Gong Furuo missed a step of the stairs and suffered a serious ankle sprain. The excruciating pain caused her eyelashes to be covered with a thin layer of mist, pitiful and soft.

She obediently stretched out her sprained foot, and Dong Huan gently lifted the leg of his trousers a little higher. Seeing that her ankle was swollen beyond measure, he carried her on his back with distress and worry.

Dong Huan: "I'll take you to the infirmary."
It was rare that Zhou Qinhan did not keep the distance between Gong Fuluo and Dong Huan. She comforted Gong Fuluo gently, her beautiful little face turned pale.

Gong Furuo lay on Dong Huan's broad shoulders, recalling the phone call just now, his eyes flashed, and then he lay on his back safely.This had nothing to do with her, after all, how did she know who the call was from.

The sun is shining brightly and the leaves are lush and full of life.Dong Huan carried him on his back and walked swiftly.

Dong Huan: "How is it? It hurts a lot."
(End of this chapter)

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